Saturday, April 30, 2011


This morning as I started planning this blog on ageing, one my first thoughts was for me to make a list of my can’t dos or harder to dos.

Then it happened! My Friend said to me “Why would you of all people want to make a list of your negatives?” He told me that I had been chosen because of my positive attitude and if I wanted to make a change in that attitude, I COULD BE REPLACED! That was quite a wake-up for me!

My Friend had made one thing very clear that mine was to be a positive attitude or the road! Yes, my God had given me a slap on my head that brought back memories of my Grandma! It got my attention! It made me feel good to know that My Friend would go that deeply into my thoughts to guide me.

After that experience I quickly started mentally making a list of all of the positive things I could still do with this old body. It didn’t take long for me to realize how much more I still had than what I thought I had lost! All of a sudden I started to realize how good I still was!

As many of you know I write (actually print) each blog on a steno-pad. Those pads each have seventy pages and I’m sure that I could fill a pad with my “can dos”. The number of those positives was amazing! The negatives? Somehow in all that positive thinking they got lost. My Friend explained to me; most of those negatives were in our past and those positives were our future. I wonder if anyone has to take pills for positive thoughts!

A while back I mentioned that while in conversation with people I have been asking them what they had learned that day. This week’s replies ranged from blank stares to same old, same old. Apparently few had learned anything this past week! What a terrible waste of life! It helps me understand why so many people are depressed. Our God gave us eyes and ears; it seems a shame so few have learned to use them! What did I learn today? Ha, you thought you would catch me! This day I learned how to mix tile cement and to lay tile.

Each time I ask about things learned I follow up with; “what blessings have you received today?” Again, I received many of the same answers! Again you ask what blessing did I receive today? I woke up; I took my first waking breath of the day! Look, I already had received two blessings and my feet had yet to reach the floor! Sandra handed me my first cup of my high-powered cappuccino and it tasted great! It was one of the best tasting I could remember! Look at that my day had only started and already I was sipping on blessing three!

Later in that day we stopped a Lowes garden center. While there I try to always walk through the orchid department. Today I found it to be extra special. After about only two steps into that department I saw a beautiful yellow orchid. It had a bloom that I had never seen before! I stopped and savored its beauty. A couple more steps and there stood a small frilly red orchid, it too was a beauty. Another step and there stood a deep red, almost black, lady slipper. My day was beauty upon beauty!

In less than five steps I had seen beauty that My Father had put there for me to see. The price, if I was to purchase each, was more than my limited budget could afford but being able to enjoy their beauty was enough for me.

There are so many beautiful things in this world that God shares with me for a few moments. I have learned that often I don’t have to own something to enjoy it. If I were to own everything that God has given me for my enjoyment, I would be overwhelmed!

We are given hundreds of what I call “short time” blessings each day. Many think they are too busy to take the time to receive them. All of God’s blessings are positive. If we are determined to live our lives in a rushing world, we miss many of God’s blessings and those missed blessings will be lost forever.

I try to learn many new things each day and each day I expect to receive many blessings! Do you?

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