Saturday, April 30, 2011


This morning as I started planning this blog on ageing, one my first thoughts was for me to make a list of my can’t dos or harder to dos.

Then it happened! My Friend said to me “Why would you of all people want to make a list of your negatives?” He told me that I had been chosen because of my positive attitude and if I wanted to make a change in that attitude, I COULD BE REPLACED! That was quite a wake-up for me!

My Friend had made one thing very clear that mine was to be a positive attitude or the road! Yes, my God had given me a slap on my head that brought back memories of my Grandma! It got my attention! It made me feel good to know that My Friend would go that deeply into my thoughts to guide me.

After that experience I quickly started mentally making a list of all of the positive things I could still do with this old body. It didn’t take long for me to realize how much more I still had than what I thought I had lost! All of a sudden I started to realize how good I still was!

As many of you know I write (actually print) each blog on a steno-pad. Those pads each have seventy pages and I’m sure that I could fill a pad with my “can dos”. The number of those positives was amazing! The negatives? Somehow in all that positive thinking they got lost. My Friend explained to me; most of those negatives were in our past and those positives were our future. I wonder if anyone has to take pills for positive thoughts!

A while back I mentioned that while in conversation with people I have been asking them what they had learned that day. This week’s replies ranged from blank stares to same old, same old. Apparently few had learned anything this past week! What a terrible waste of life! It helps me understand why so many people are depressed. Our God gave us eyes and ears; it seems a shame so few have learned to use them! What did I learn today? Ha, you thought you would catch me! This day I learned how to mix tile cement and to lay tile.

Each time I ask about things learned I follow up with; “what blessings have you received today?” Again, I received many of the same answers! Again you ask what blessing did I receive today? I woke up; I took my first waking breath of the day! Look, I already had received two blessings and my feet had yet to reach the floor! Sandra handed me my first cup of my high-powered cappuccino and it tasted great! It was one of the best tasting I could remember! Look at that my day had only started and already I was sipping on blessing three!

Later in that day we stopped a Lowes garden center. While there I try to always walk through the orchid department. Today I found it to be extra special. After about only two steps into that department I saw a beautiful yellow orchid. It had a bloom that I had never seen before! I stopped and savored its beauty. A couple more steps and there stood a small frilly red orchid, it too was a beauty. Another step and there stood a deep red, almost black, lady slipper. My day was beauty upon beauty!

In less than five steps I had seen beauty that My Father had put there for me to see. The price, if I was to purchase each, was more than my limited budget could afford but being able to enjoy their beauty was enough for me.

There are so many beautiful things in this world that God shares with me for a few moments. I have learned that often I don’t have to own something to enjoy it. If I were to own everything that God has given me for my enjoyment, I would be overwhelmed!

We are given hundreds of what I call “short time” blessings each day. Many think they are too busy to take the time to receive them. All of God’s blessings are positive. If we are determined to live our lives in a rushing world, we miss many of God’s blessings and those missed blessings will be lost forever.

I try to learn many new things each day and each day I expect to receive many blessings! Do you?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Our Throwaway Kids

Have we let all of our religions fail? The world is finding more and more newborns in dumpsters or in toilets! Many are against abortions. Many more are against Planned Parenthood. What do YOU suggest the world should do with all of those unplanned and unwanted kids? I know you think your kids don’t do things like that or you say my kids know better. Then, tell me why you dress, or allow your kids to dress, in a way that does nothing more than tempt the opposite sex? Are you so old that you can’t remember how excited YOU got in those hidden sex explorations?
Don’t YOU remember how good sex feels? Don’t you remember that rush YOU got? Don’t YOU remember how easy it was for YOU, at the time, to forget all YOU had been taught in church? Tell me why you think our kids, our grand kids and others are any different than we were? Sadly many of our kids only get that learning experience from other kids or in the back seat of a car. We have to face the fact that there are times that people find themselves way ahead of right or wrong. How many times has each of us said “I know I should not have but--”
It seems to me more and more we’re living in an age of “if it feels good do it. We’ll worry about the consequences tomorrow.”
For eight or nine years I served in a prison ministry. In that time I met many that had no idea of who their fathers were. I met others that had no idea of how many children they had fathered! Sadly some did not care. Many I met had been “Throwaway Kids” grown into “Throwaway Adults.” No one wanted them!
I have been shocked by how few of those who firmly stand waving their hands, stomping their feet and proclaiming that they are against any form of birth control but yet they have no suggestions for change. I hear many rants about gay marriage but I find NO uproar about the singles and those unwanted kids. Also, I never have seen “a church person” come forth and offer to take one of those throwaway kids. We must remember each one of those kids is A CHILD OF GOD.
Who do you expect will take care of those kids? Your church? The government? How about you? If you are against everything then that unwanted child is partially YOUR responsibility! If your excuse is someone else will take care of them, look again, that someone else is no longer there! We have to face it, the government can’t outlaw sex! But, we can teach those having sex how to have that sex without having unwanted baby after unwanted baby. In my book it’s called responsibility!
For over two thousand years our churches have been preaching family values. Look around, all that alter pounding hasn’t worked! We reach the easy ones and find it just as easy to overlook all of the rest! Many changes have happened in this world with the advent of the car and the TV. All we have to do is look around to see that many of life’s old ways just don’t work in today’s world. Are we so used to throwing things away that those throwaway kids don’t even raise an eyebrow?
Our population lives longer. That means, that sometimes we’re not smarter we’re just older and more set in our ways! The things we learned yesterday don’t always work in this new world. In today’s world we’re finding a new class of people; The Throwaways. I’m sorry I cannot accept that!
I want you to think about this; there are more black men in prison, in the U.S. today than there were slaves before the Civil War! I can’t accept that either!
I want you to tell me this; is it better to help that mother, who with our help, can avoid having those unwanted kids, or would you rather pay thousands each year keeping those unwanted adults in prison?
Many feel that most of those grownup unwanted adults never vote. So, why bother? I can’t accept that one either! Surely that can’t be our American way!
In today’s world we are well beyond the Victorian ideas of sexual behavior. We have to realize that sex makes babies! Before it happens to you its best you decide if you want a baby, or if it just for fun. The tragedy is ending up with an unwanted, or worse, a throwaway baby! There is no such thing as “the joy of sex” if you don’t add responsibility for BOTH parties. It’s time for our churches to start teaching for today’s congregations. If we continue down the road we’re on we’ll only continue until the last gray haired head is gone.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

My Five_o

In August of last year when I picked up my pen and started writing that first blog. My wonderment at that time was; how in the world could I possibly come up with enough words to write that blog?
Remember, I had no writing skills or training, I had no idea what a blog was, I had never even seen one. If that wasn’t bad enough; I did not write longhand, all I did was print. I knew my computer came with a program called Word but I never had used it, and when it came to typing, I only used one finger and my thumb was used to push the button for caps. Beside all of that, I had no idea of what my blog was to be about. And, think about this “I was eighty five years old”!!!!! I knew my God would never tell me to do something that he knew I could not do. So, there was no excuse for me to argue!
For number five-o I do the same as I did for that first one. I just sit down, put the paper on my lap, put the pen to the paper, it is only then I find out what that first capital letter will be! Then I start to write!
My Friend always finds a way to let me know what my subject will be. This time He led me to an Email! Every week or so I receive “An Encouraging Word” from my friend “the Rev” (my favorite pastor, Dr Tom Butts). Every now and then My Friend leads me to the Rev’s words for my starting thought.
This time the thought was; it occurred to me that it would not be possible to explain ourselves to someone else until we came to a basic understanding of ourselves. We came from a place we don’t remember, and we are moving toward a destination we cannot see, it is difficult to honestly explain our place in the scheme of things.
He added; if you were given a minute at the end of your life to explain yourself, what would you like to be able to say? What would you write in a single sentence epitaph that would honestly sum up your life?
Do you ever wonder why we are only here for a short blink of time between two eternities? Isn’t it strange that we have no knowledge of what went on before our birth and only a few hopes and speculations of what follows this life?
Many look upon this life as something that will last forever. But I want you to remember this; Our God put a fixed number of grains of sand in each of our hour glasses of life. Each of us knows that we cannot stay! And, we know we are not going to pass this way again! The good things we plan to do are things we must do now!
God has put many beautiful things along side each of our roads of life but we must take the time to see those blessings. Blessings are only blessings for those who take the time to see them!
As we use each minute it is gone! Push all of those “I wish I had” out of your vocabulary, take time to stop and smell that rose that was put there just for you. When God’s blessings are put there for you, learn to enjoy each one, and God puts them there for just one time and then they are gone.
The Rev suggests that we try to do a good thing for someone each day. He suggests you need not go looking for that deed to do, it will come to you and find you. If you put off doing those deeds today, you may not have another chance later.
We only pass this way once! If there is something good I can do, let me do it now, for I will only be here that once.
In writing these blogs I have learned much. I have learned that I never have to worry about where my subject matter for my next blog will come from because when it’s time for me to start writing my subject will be shown to me.
Yet, after all of that, it has only been just over a half year and already I have published fifty blogs! I have learned that it helps to have that Friend always at my side. I could never have accomplished this without His help and guidance. If this blog has done nothing more, it has made MY faith much stronger.
I thought about that one sentence epitaph the Rev suggested. Mine would be but two words. “I tried”.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Our Past

Our past is just what we make of it. The Bible gives us ways to be forgiven for the many mistakes we have made but it seems as though we find it hard for each of us to forgive ourselves.
I look on the past as a great learning experience. I’m sure you’ve heard people say “I just keep making those same mistakes over and over again”. What they are saying is they aren’t observant or smart enough to learn.
For my look at my past I stand with my back pressed tightly into a corner. I look at my past as that small little triangle behind me. Then I think that’s my past, I can’t change it, even God can’t change it. Then I look ahead, both sides and in front of me that’s all my future. I’m certainly not going to let that small triangle of my past spoil all of my hopes and dreams of the future. The things that I haven’t learned from my past by this time I’m not going to learn, so be it. I’m just not going to let those tragedies in the past overwhelm all the great things I know I’m going to experience in the future.
I’ve handed all of my past mistakes to My Father in Heaven and I know He has forgiven me for them. So now I have no reason to let them spoil the many blessings I know I have yet to receive.
I always try to keep those memories that make me smile as I look back on them. The ones that made me cry? Oh they’re all His now.
I know many people that can’t see today, let alone tomorrow. Somehow they have found a way to let the past completely block out their future.
Some folks that have lost loved ones feel that their life is over. If God would have intended for their life to be over He would have taken them too. Instead of crying “Why not me Lord” why not thank Him for the many blessings He has in store for you. You have to remember who authored each person’s Book of Life and that book is not yours to change.
Don’t be the one complaining about the rain and dark skies when over at the side God has placed a beautiful rainbow just for you to see. Life goes on, let it happen, don’t let a few negative things spoil an otherwise positive beautiful day.
Don’t let the past hang a dark curtain in front of your future. Remember the past is past, gone, never to return. If it is still a mountain in your life ask God to show you the way to climb it, or at least a way around it.
All you really have to do is again back yourself tightly into that corner. Hold your hand where the back of your head was, then you decide if you’re going to let that small triangle YOUR PAST (that you cannot control) determine the rest of your life that you can control.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Good People Bad Things

I do not believe My God punishes people. I do not believe anyone is punished with disasters or illness for things they have or haven’t done. My God is a loving God certainly not one hovering over my head just waiting to punish me each time I mess up.
Most of us would prefer to have bad things only happen to bad people but life just doesn’t work that way! I’ve had people tell me that God was trying to test their faith. Why should God “test” anyone? Because He already knows!
Many people spend much of their lives trying to analyze life’s happenings but in the end they still end up with no more than gray hair and a stupid answer or two. I’m sure they end with more questions than answers!
Many of our religious leaders of today are considered to be consolers. Look twice before you ask one of them for advice! Most of them have messed up their lives just like the rest of us. Some even more!
Many religious organizations thrive on threats of dire happenings for members of their congregations if they do or if they don’t. Their main objective is to put the “fear of God” into each member’s heart! I personally do not fear my God. I look upon my God as my friend. How long would you keep a friend if you were always afraid of him? Maybe that’s the only way they can pay their expenses!
I have seen bad things happen to good people many times. I just cannot believe that is a tool my God uses. When tragedies strike, like the one that hit Japan, there is no way you can convince me that all of those people are being punished by my God. I look upon it as a happening of life, a part of living and dying. I’ve talked to some that expressed guilt for it happening, I feel no guilt. I feel sorry for those affected. I will help in any way I can but I feel that each of us must continue living our own lives the best we can.
I do not believe that when something tragic or major happens in our lives it becomes necessary to stop living, stand around and wring our hands, and then ask “why me Lord, why me?” Think back, when we prayed didn’t we pray ‘Your will, will be done”? That’s why!
With that prayer (and if we TRULY believe) we have to accept life as it is handed to us. Life has few favorites. We must learn to live or die with what has been handed to us. Life is nothing more than doing the best we can with what our God has given us!
Don’t always try to judge yourself, others, or even God. Learn to accept what has been given.
If you are a person who KNOWS that God punishes people, then, can you explain to me, how bad people receive good things.
I’m sure if each of us could have written our own “Book of Life”, each of us would prosper and live each of our days without grief or pain. Sorry, but life just doesn’t work that way!
Good or bad, rich or poor, each will have good days and bad days. But I don’t believe those bad days are because of our transgressions. I believe each new day is a blessing for us. How we end each day is in relation to how we started that day. I feel that if we start each day with a positive first step, no matter how we feel, we’ll keep that positive all day. If our first step is negative----may God help us!
Good people, bad things-bad people, good things. It’s called LIFE! Live each day for that day, tomorrow will come soon enough! Yesterday? That’s history learn to live past it.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Count Your Blessings

If I fall face down in the mud, please tell me, just where is my blessing? I can’t just lay there; I must roll over and open my eyes! I’m still breathing aren’t I? I’m alive and still breathing. Isn’t that a blessing? Think of all of that mud on the back of my head, isn’t that all in the past? When I opened my eyes I saw all of that bright stuff in front of me. That is my future! All I have to do is stand up and walk into it!
What made me fall? I know what it was! I’m sure I’ll never let that happen again; I’ll remember how it happened and never ever let it happen again! Learning experiences like that seldom come easy, but that’s how we learn.
Please don’t let anyone try to tell you that life is easy. When we started school we found the hard parts of our life was ABC’s or 1234’s. As we grew older we found we had to trade those letter and numbers for unexpected rocks that we found in our road of life.
Each letter, number, or rock was nothing more than a learning experience. Actually we were receiving God’s blessings as we learned to overcome each difficulty. I guess you could say that there is a direct relationship between our learning and the blessing that we receive.
There is also a relationship between our positive or negative outlook on our lives. You will find it easy (with negative thinking) to let a negative attitude blind a person from seeing many of the blessings normally received each day.
It is easy to giveaway things we don’t have (ask anyone who plays the lottery). But, sometimes if all we have to give is just a few moments of our time, that time can be a real blessing to a person in need. There are times that just a hug, a squeeze, a hand on the shoulder, or a listening ear can be that persons blessing.
Those blessings come in all sizes. They can last a lifetime or they can last but a minute or two. They can seem trivial to the giver and mean much to the receiver. Those blessings are God’s gifts to each of us.
Our blessings can range from a pleasant smile from someone we love to something earth shattering that changes our lives forever. Blessings also depend on how the receiver accepts them. To a rich man a few pennies found would mean little. But. To a poor man they could be his next meal!
I have found the more times I thank My Father in Heaven for those blessings the more conscious I become of my blessings. It seems to open my eyes to seeing more of those blessings.
The way each person interprets those blessings can be quite different. What you see as a beautiful flower may look like just another weed to someone else! Our God has seen fit to give each of us our own personality. Each has developed their own way of seeing, feeling, hearing, smelling, tasting, and smelling. That does not mean your way is wrong or my way is right. It just means that God gave you your way and He gave me my way.
Blessings are God’s way of putting learning and joy into each of our lives. The more we become conscious of those blessings, the more we learn how to look for and find and appreciate those blessings. The more love and joy we will find that God has put in our lives. If you ever feel that God has put more blessing in the life of others than you. It’s not that God loves them more, It’s just that they have learned where to look!