Thursday, April 21, 2011

Our Throwaway Kids

Have we let all of our religions fail? The world is finding more and more newborns in dumpsters or in toilets! Many are against abortions. Many more are against Planned Parenthood. What do YOU suggest the world should do with all of those unplanned and unwanted kids? I know you think your kids don’t do things like that or you say my kids know better. Then, tell me why you dress, or allow your kids to dress, in a way that does nothing more than tempt the opposite sex? Are you so old that you can’t remember how excited YOU got in those hidden sex explorations?
Don’t YOU remember how good sex feels? Don’t you remember that rush YOU got? Don’t YOU remember how easy it was for YOU, at the time, to forget all YOU had been taught in church? Tell me why you think our kids, our grand kids and others are any different than we were? Sadly many of our kids only get that learning experience from other kids or in the back seat of a car. We have to face the fact that there are times that people find themselves way ahead of right or wrong. How many times has each of us said “I know I should not have but--”
It seems to me more and more we’re living in an age of “if it feels good do it. We’ll worry about the consequences tomorrow.”
For eight or nine years I served in a prison ministry. In that time I met many that had no idea of who their fathers were. I met others that had no idea of how many children they had fathered! Sadly some did not care. Many I met had been “Throwaway Kids” grown into “Throwaway Adults.” No one wanted them!
I have been shocked by how few of those who firmly stand waving their hands, stomping their feet and proclaiming that they are against any form of birth control but yet they have no suggestions for change. I hear many rants about gay marriage but I find NO uproar about the singles and those unwanted kids. Also, I never have seen “a church person” come forth and offer to take one of those throwaway kids. We must remember each one of those kids is A CHILD OF GOD.
Who do you expect will take care of those kids? Your church? The government? How about you? If you are against everything then that unwanted child is partially YOUR responsibility! If your excuse is someone else will take care of them, look again, that someone else is no longer there! We have to face it, the government can’t outlaw sex! But, we can teach those having sex how to have that sex without having unwanted baby after unwanted baby. In my book it’s called responsibility!
For over two thousand years our churches have been preaching family values. Look around, all that alter pounding hasn’t worked! We reach the easy ones and find it just as easy to overlook all of the rest! Many changes have happened in this world with the advent of the car and the TV. All we have to do is look around to see that many of life’s old ways just don’t work in today’s world. Are we so used to throwing things away that those throwaway kids don’t even raise an eyebrow?
Our population lives longer. That means, that sometimes we’re not smarter we’re just older and more set in our ways! The things we learned yesterday don’t always work in this new world. In today’s world we’re finding a new class of people; The Throwaways. I’m sorry I cannot accept that!
I want you to think about this; there are more black men in prison, in the U.S. today than there were slaves before the Civil War! I can’t accept that either!
I want you to tell me this; is it better to help that mother, who with our help, can avoid having those unwanted kids, or would you rather pay thousands each year keeping those unwanted adults in prison?
Many feel that most of those grownup unwanted adults never vote. So, why bother? I can’t accept that one either! Surely that can’t be our American way!
In today’s world we are well beyond the Victorian ideas of sexual behavior. We have to realize that sex makes babies! Before it happens to you its best you decide if you want a baby, or if it just for fun. The tragedy is ending up with an unwanted, or worse, a throwaway baby! There is no such thing as “the joy of sex” if you don’t add responsibility for BOTH parties. It’s time for our churches to start teaching for today’s congregations. If we continue down the road we’re on we’ll only continue until the last gray haired head is gone.

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