Saturday, April 16, 2011

My Five_o

In August of last year when I picked up my pen and started writing that first blog. My wonderment at that time was; how in the world could I possibly come up with enough words to write that blog?
Remember, I had no writing skills or training, I had no idea what a blog was, I had never even seen one. If that wasn’t bad enough; I did not write longhand, all I did was print. I knew my computer came with a program called Word but I never had used it, and when it came to typing, I only used one finger and my thumb was used to push the button for caps. Beside all of that, I had no idea of what my blog was to be about. And, think about this “I was eighty five years old”!!!!! I knew my God would never tell me to do something that he knew I could not do. So, there was no excuse for me to argue!
For number five-o I do the same as I did for that first one. I just sit down, put the paper on my lap, put the pen to the paper, it is only then I find out what that first capital letter will be! Then I start to write!
My Friend always finds a way to let me know what my subject will be. This time He led me to an Email! Every week or so I receive “An Encouraging Word” from my friend “the Rev” (my favorite pastor, Dr Tom Butts). Every now and then My Friend leads me to the Rev’s words for my starting thought.
This time the thought was; it occurred to me that it would not be possible to explain ourselves to someone else until we came to a basic understanding of ourselves. We came from a place we don’t remember, and we are moving toward a destination we cannot see, it is difficult to honestly explain our place in the scheme of things.
He added; if you were given a minute at the end of your life to explain yourself, what would you like to be able to say? What would you write in a single sentence epitaph that would honestly sum up your life?
Do you ever wonder why we are only here for a short blink of time between two eternities? Isn’t it strange that we have no knowledge of what went on before our birth and only a few hopes and speculations of what follows this life?
Many look upon this life as something that will last forever. But I want you to remember this; Our God put a fixed number of grains of sand in each of our hour glasses of life. Each of us knows that we cannot stay! And, we know we are not going to pass this way again! The good things we plan to do are things we must do now!
God has put many beautiful things along side each of our roads of life but we must take the time to see those blessings. Blessings are only blessings for those who take the time to see them!
As we use each minute it is gone! Push all of those “I wish I had” out of your vocabulary, take time to stop and smell that rose that was put there just for you. When God’s blessings are put there for you, learn to enjoy each one, and God puts them there for just one time and then they are gone.
The Rev suggests that we try to do a good thing for someone each day. He suggests you need not go looking for that deed to do, it will come to you and find you. If you put off doing those deeds today, you may not have another chance later.
We only pass this way once! If there is something good I can do, let me do it now, for I will only be here that once.
In writing these blogs I have learned much. I have learned that I never have to worry about where my subject matter for my next blog will come from because when it’s time for me to start writing my subject will be shown to me.
Yet, after all of that, it has only been just over a half year and already I have published fifty blogs! I have learned that it helps to have that Friend always at my side. I could never have accomplished this without His help and guidance. If this blog has done nothing more, it has made MY faith much stronger.
I thought about that one sentence epitaph the Rev suggested. Mine would be but two words. “I tried”.

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