Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Good People Bad Things

I do not believe My God punishes people. I do not believe anyone is punished with disasters or illness for things they have or haven’t done. My God is a loving God certainly not one hovering over my head just waiting to punish me each time I mess up.
Most of us would prefer to have bad things only happen to bad people but life just doesn’t work that way! I’ve had people tell me that God was trying to test their faith. Why should God “test” anyone? Because He already knows!
Many people spend much of their lives trying to analyze life’s happenings but in the end they still end up with no more than gray hair and a stupid answer or two. I’m sure they end with more questions than answers!
Many of our religious leaders of today are considered to be consolers. Look twice before you ask one of them for advice! Most of them have messed up their lives just like the rest of us. Some even more!
Many religious organizations thrive on threats of dire happenings for members of their congregations if they do or if they don’t. Their main objective is to put the “fear of God” into each member’s heart! I personally do not fear my God. I look upon my God as my friend. How long would you keep a friend if you were always afraid of him? Maybe that’s the only way they can pay their expenses!
I have seen bad things happen to good people many times. I just cannot believe that is a tool my God uses. When tragedies strike, like the one that hit Japan, there is no way you can convince me that all of those people are being punished by my God. I look upon it as a happening of life, a part of living and dying. I’ve talked to some that expressed guilt for it happening, I feel no guilt. I feel sorry for those affected. I will help in any way I can but I feel that each of us must continue living our own lives the best we can.
I do not believe that when something tragic or major happens in our lives it becomes necessary to stop living, stand around and wring our hands, and then ask “why me Lord, why me?” Think back, when we prayed didn’t we pray ‘Your will, will be done”? That’s why!
With that prayer (and if we TRULY believe) we have to accept life as it is handed to us. Life has few favorites. We must learn to live or die with what has been handed to us. Life is nothing more than doing the best we can with what our God has given us!
Don’t always try to judge yourself, others, or even God. Learn to accept what has been given.
If you are a person who KNOWS that God punishes people, then, can you explain to me, how bad people receive good things.
I’m sure if each of us could have written our own “Book of Life”, each of us would prosper and live each of our days without grief or pain. Sorry, but life just doesn’t work that way!
Good or bad, rich or poor, each will have good days and bad days. But I don’t believe those bad days are because of our transgressions. I believe each new day is a blessing for us. How we end each day is in relation to how we started that day. I feel that if we start each day with a positive first step, no matter how we feel, we’ll keep that positive all day. If our first step is negative----may God help us!
Good people, bad things-bad people, good things. It’s called LIFE! Live each day for that day, tomorrow will come soon enough! Yesterday? That’s history learn to live past it.

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