Friday, December 30, 2011

Getting Nothing Done

Sometimes it takes a long time to get nothing done. Sadly, some spend their entire lifetime! I guess, I’m one of the guilty ones! It always seems that something more challenging or exciting would pop up before I finished the project I was working on. I never had to look far to find one or two partly finished projects hanging around. Sadly, I often found that starting of those new projects to be far more exciting than putting the last “boring” finishing touches on the one I was working on.
I guess, you could call me a planning and putting things together in my head person. In my mind’s eye, I could always see that finished project, even though it remained hanging there unfinished in my work area. As soon as I was sure that my ideas would work, I would feel that the major part of my job was over! I think some would say that I had a problem with responsibility. Isn’t it strange that responsibility never seemed to enter into all of those plans that were spinning around in my head! Others could say that those plans lacked discipline.
I would just say that I was putting it off until “I had more time.” More time! I have yet to find a day with more than twenty four hours! Just where did I expect that “more time” to come from? Does that sound familiar?
Did I just hear you say; OK you’ve laid your problem on me. Now just what do you expect ME to do about it?”
I don’t expect YOU to do anything from my problem, other than learn from it. I’ll tell you what I’m trying to do about it. And maybe, I’ll tell you about a few learning experiences I’m having. I’m starting with short steps; I’ve found giant steps are hard for me to do. I will tell you about a few things I’ve learned. I’ve learned a light switch pushes just as easy to the off position as the on. That; if I eat my least liked food first it doesn’t taste as bad. And last, but not least, before I go to bed each night I try to “find some time” to work on one of those long hanging “put off” jobs. Remember, I’m still taking small steps!
If we have lived a day that we have “got nothing done” we’ve wasted that day! And, our days are too precious to waste! Our God just put so many grains of sand in each of our hour glasses! We can’t just sit there and watch each grain drop away!
To get that something done we have to set a goal. A good place to start is before we turn off our light this evening. That way, when we wake, we always know where we are headed. If we never know where we are headed, how will we ever know when we get there? We must also remember; wherever you want to go, one step at a time is how you get there.
I’ve heard so many excuses by people for not getting things done. Come to think about it, I’ve used many of them myself! I’ve learned; I have to do the best I can with what my God has given me. And I’m sure my ability to put things off was not one of them!

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