Saturday, December 31, 2011


This is how and what I believe. I have always considered myself a Christian. But, I have found my beliefs a bit different. I am a strong believer in God’s Will. I believe much of the path my life has taken was the will of my God. I accept many of the happenings in my life as His will and try not to analyze those happenings. I have never felt my God to be like a light that could be turned off and on to be used only when needed.
I believe my God, my friend, is always at my side. I never felt that it was necessary to use special words, positions, places or people to talk with Him. And, no matter where I am, good places or bad, I have never doubted that my God was by my side.
I talk with My Friend more often than anyone else in this world. And yes, He talks to me! I address my prayers to that Friend beside me. I never tell Him how I expect things to be done. I only ask that His Will be done. I never feel He needs my advice on how to do His work.
I believe that whatever house of worship you go to, that God you worship is one and the same as My Friend who is always at my side! It makes no difference what we call Him or Her; it’s the same image that we hold in our minds eye. I mentioned Her because I heard a friend pray to Her Mother in Heaven. (Her choice)
Just what does that God look like? Some think He is some old gray haired bearded man floating in the clouds. Others think He is a fat man with a big belly. What difference does it make? The important thing is that you have FAITH that someone or something is there!
Many times I have stated that My God speaks to me. Many of the lesser times, if God’s words could ever be called lesser, are offered as blessings or casual friend to friend words. But, the important things are given to me in words so strong that they block my thought process until I write them word for word and date them! You may feel this makes me a prophet. I do not feel that way! I feel that they are things My Friend thinks are important for me to know!
Do I feel special? Of course I do! But, I believe that my God speaks to everyone, but few have learned to, or want to listen.
I believe every mortal sees God, in their vision, differently. I will never try to push my vision of God on you and I don’t want you pushing your vision of God on me!
I do not believe that My God, My Friend, has ever punished me! I have been “let know” the many times I’ve messed-up. I also know that I’ve been forgiven for those mess-ups! I do not believe there will be a judgment day the day I die. I believe yesterday was yesterday’s judgment day and that I was given today to show that I can do better. Tomorrow? I’ll worry about that after my first breath of that new day!
I have never felt alone, even as a small child skipping home from school! I have always known that I have had that unseen friend who is always there beside me. Often I’ve heard the voice, yet I’ve never seen the face. Maybe, just maybe, someday I’ll see the face, but that’s really unimportant because I always know My Friend is there by my side! You know faith and friendship walk hand in hand.

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