Thursday, December 29, 2011

It'll Freeze That Way

My Grandma always use to say “Don’t make faces that way because they might freeze that way!” and that always made me think before I made ugly faces. That had such an effect on me, when I was small, that sometimes I would run and look at myself in a mirror to make sure that even my thoughts could cause my face to freeze with an unwanted expression!
Not long ago I found myself speaking in front of several hundred people, many were oldsters like me. As I looked over that group I could not help but remember my Grandma’s words! There sat dozens of frozen faces! Could they really have forgotten how to smile? If they had forgotten how to smile, could I ever expect to hear them laugh? Had facial expressions gone out of style? Had our wired or wireless communications created a generation where expressions were no longer needed?
Again, looking back at Grandma, her advice was always; look people in the eye and smile. I know this is hard to do with E-Mail, Facebook or even the phone but, I’m sure that smile that’s hidden deep in our hearts can still come through!
I have always felt that a frowning face is an unhappy face. It looks like to me that we have built ourselves an unhappy box and placed ourselves squarely in the middle of it. And maybe worst of all, many are satisfied with ourselves just the way we are!
I’m not too old to remember people singing and playing a song that went something like this; smile, and the world smiles with you. Even some of today’s music is unhappy music, music without harmony, just words and many of those words are profane! It seems as though many of today’s people find joy in bad mouthing and finding fault and unhappiness with our world today. And, sadly many of their faces show it!
In our world today there seems to be a pill for everything! I think that quite a few have overdosed on ugly pills. My grandma use to say that if some people would smile their faces would crack. And remember ugly goes clear to the bone! Would you, or could you be happy with a person that never smiles? I want you to look in your mirror, could that person looking back at you be that person?
I was so blessed to have the Grandma that loved me and taught me the value of a smile. I’m so lucky to have a Father in Heaven that sends blessings my way and gives me many things to smile about. I’ve learned that I usually can find something positive in every situation. I find that the more I smile, the more things I find to smile about.
Smile, you may like it! Smile and have a great day! Smile and let them wonder what you know that they don’t! Smile, you don’t want your face to freeze that other way!

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