Wednesday, December 21, 2011

This Little Light

For many years there stood warm welcoming yard light in the front yard. As often happens in this part of Florida the iron pipe rusted and I had to take the thing down. I planned to replace it when “I got around to it!”
Now let’s move forward at least twenty or twenty-five years. The wires were still there but, my round to it was not!
I’ll back-up a bit though not as much. Every year we send out over a hundred Christmas cards with a picture of us standing in front of a different lighthouse. We found that to be out of the question this year because of my health, so what could we do?
I decided, in early spring of 2011, that if I could no longer go to a lighthouse I would bring a lighthouse to me! I would build one right here in the yard! That meant that I would have to go from a crazy idea to a finished product that we could stand by for our Christmas card photo by Thanksgiving!
The more I thought about it with my health and our finances, the more it looked like the impossible dream. But, wasn’t I the one that was always telling everyone that if they could dream it, they could do it?
It was then; I started drawing plans for the lighthouse in my head! I included our financial limitations but, I forgot to plan for MY limitations! Twenty or thirty years ago I could dig seven or eight post holes, line up the posts, and mix and pour the cement! I was shocked to find that if I dug two post holes that I had to rest until tomorrow to mix and pour in the cement! I had to learn that each day there was just so much goody in my body and when it was used up, it was GONE! If I pushed harder it made the next day a rest day! And remember, I always had that Thanksgiving date hanging over my head!
I found that my body could only stand for a few minutes! But, I was amazed to find how much I could accomplish while sitting in that old white plastic chair! My health limitations and our financial limitations worked well together, neither leaned to hard on the other.
I only used screws in the construction, that way if my plans in my head were “a little off” all I had to do was back the screws out and do it right the next time.
Location for the lighthouse was easy because I always liked the location of that old yard light. And besides, the old wires still marked the spot!
I learned much from this project. I learned my limitations and I learned the price I had to pay for trying to extend those limitations!
It all started with those plans in my head, those dreams! Then, day by day, week by week, month by month, I could see those dreams turn into reality. It would have never happened if I would have convinced myself that I was too old to start something like that. To old? Gosh I’m only Eighty-six!

This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine! Let it shine! Let it shine!

Merry Christmas

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