Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Going Nowhere

Going nowhere can be a lifelong trip for some! If you don’t know where you’re going, how will you ever know if you have arrived?
Just living from day to day seems to be such a burden for many! Is it they can’t see or take the time to enjoy the good parts of their lives? Or, are finding the negatives all they look for each day? Are their glasses designed to filter out all the good in their lives? All those blessings we all receive each day?
This past week I asked a lady how her day was going. Her reply “It’s just another ordinary day.” I thought to myself; what’s an ordinary day? God makes EACH of my days special! And, I’ve learned that I never have to look far to find my gift. An example; today several of us were sitting outside eating breakfast together when our outdoor cat, Snoopy, sensed food and came begging. I was eating a sausage biscuit and when she came to me I broke off a piece of the sausage and gave it to her. She took a sniff of it and gave me that look that said “is that all there is?” Then she turned and walked away. The next person she came to was Sandra. Our cat gave Sandra that starving look and Sandra broke off a corner of her biscuit. Snoopy chomped it down like it was nectar from the Gods and begged for more.
Snoopy, now our biscuit eating cat, had given us all a laugh and had made that day special. Many special happenings that are put in our lives never rate headlines. They are put there just for us to see and enjoy. Some would mean nothing to others but are put there to add to our day.
Many little things are put in each of our lives every day, put there to make that day special. To make us feel special. But, we must learn to find the roses before we can smell them!
I can’t envision a day that goes nowhere! I’ve learned to look for and FIND something special, put there for me, each day of my life. Maybe some expect too much. Or maybe, they have yet to learn about all those little special things that are added to each of our days and that are put there just for us.
Several people that I talk with regularly, when ask how their day is going, always give me the same stock answer “Same old, same old.” I will not allow myself that same old, same old! There must surely be more to their lives than that continually repeated nothingness! They need to program a new destination on their GPS!
We are what we program ourselves to be! And, it can’t be what others try to make us! Unless we WANT others to live our lives for us! Boredom is a SELFIMPOSED imprisonment that we create for ourselves!
The key to our lives is nothing more than setting a goal for ourselves, setting a direction and a destination and heading in that direction. Nowhere is never the place for you or me to be. It is only the place we’re always running from or to, a hiding place. If that is our only goal it’s time to change direction and start heading for that other misty goal, SOMEPLACE ELSE!

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