Thursday, January 26, 2012



Years ago I ask My Father in Heaven (My Friend) for a “sign.” It was important to me to understand if something I was being told by a religious “teacher” was His will. I wanted to be sure that it was in agreement with Him. At first I was surprised at the answer I received! I was told; that I should never ask for a sign! He told me that He never gave signs! He told me to always ask for answers, not signs, as signs could be subject to interpretation! That answer was different from things I had been told, but the logic was easy for me to understand.
At times I have received answers to my questions to Him that I did not fully understand. It made me feel strange to have to go back and ask another question. Sensing my question, I was told to never go to the next question until I fully understood the answer to the last!
Years ago, I had a teacher that had a line she used often on me. She would say; the answer to your question is right there, right in front of your face! It’s on that page in black and white! It’s as plain as the nose on your face! What could possibly be there that you don’t understand? She never could understand, although we were both reading the same printed page, each of us was interpreting the words differently! Sadly, many times we are graded or judged according to the way others see those words, not how we read those same words!
I just opened the Yellow Pages to the Christian church section; I found over FOUR HUNDRED listings! I looked but I found no listings for other religions, it made me wonder just how many additional doors that others walk through to worship that one God!
That book, the Bible, is written in black and white! Its words should be as plain as the nose on our face! Its sole purpose is to have us all end up in the same place! Please tell me why; we need over four hundred interpretations of that one book in my small area.
I wander what would happen if; a person that had never been exposed to the Christian religion was given the opportunity to walk through a different one of those four hundred doors every day and be allowed to listen to the teaching behind that door. Could that person ever believe that all those words were coming out of the same book?
The entire world around us is subject to interpretation, yours and mine! I see and hear things differently than you. Even though some will tell you, it is as obvious as the nose on their face; they have yet to walk in your shoes and you in theirs.
Many things that I see or consider blessings, others may walk on by unknowingly. Some feel that they are entirely rejected by God. While we both walk down the same path, some are looking only for life’s unpleasant happenings, rocks in their road, in their lives they’ve forgotten to look up from the storm clouds and see that beautiful rainbow, they are completely missing all of life’s good things. We are really what we look for in our lives! How we interpret our own lives!
Just one last question; do you think where you are today is fair? It’s really up to how each of us interprets us, isn’t it?

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