Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Panic Button

Think of our bodies as having two big buttons on our forehead. One is a big round red button with the word “PANIC” written all in capital letters. The other is a slightly larger round white button with the word “FAITH”. It too, in capital letters. The faith button sticks out a little farther because it is a deeper button.
At first glance, one could think that the word faith on that button was a reference to our religious belief, but as we study why it is deeper we realize it is referring to our faith in our self. Also we notice the button is on the right side, our easier to reach side!
As we reach up to test push each button, we find the faith button sounds a pleasant chime like sound. Upon pressing the panic button we hear a loud warning sound much like a fog horn.
We know we will learn much from each button, but first, we must LEARN HOW TO LEARN! As an example; I talked to a person that told me that each time they ate a certain food, it would upset their stomach! I asked them why they continued to eat that food. I got nothing from my question but a blank look! That person had not learned how to learn!
If something upsets me, I will not keep doing it over and over!
We develop that faith in ourselves from the many things we learn from our everyday living. We learn from the mistakes we have made and the outcome for us by those mistakes. We develop by: I learned by that and I will not do that again, if I see someone else heading down the same road, I’ll tell them what happened to me. You see, that faith we learned, that we use to better ourselves, may also be used helping others better themselves!
We add to our faith by learning; we add to the faith of others by example! When we are driving, if we see the brake lights come on ahead of us we take our foot off the gas and move it over to the break.
Should we not do the same when we see an argument coming?
Faith in our self does not mean that we have to dominate every situation. Humility in no way is showing a lack of faith! Faith is shown many times by one knowing when to speak or when to keep their mouth shut! As our faith increases we learn how seldom we have to reach for that panic button and make things worse!
Our God, yours and mine, continually shows us ways to increase our faith in ourselves. And, He also gives us many little approval blessings when we do it.
In today’s world, we are continually encouraged to push that panic button. We are discouraged from believing in our own faith, the faith that helps keep us being our own person. We are told to take this pill for one thing and another pill for that. Many of those pills are nothing more than a lack of faith in our self pill! If you read the labels, they will say that they should make one feel good for four to six hours and when that wears off, take another pill or call your doctor in the morning, but always keep your finger near the panic button! That faith in yourself thing, who cares about that as long as that pill bottle is nearby?
I wonder how many of us have said “I’m sure I can do that” and then under our breath added that one word “but” to the statement?
If you are sure you can do it, fight that hand that wants to press the panic button! If you are sure, then BE SURE! Put your faith back in you!
No one else can live your life, although many will try. No one else can look into your inner spirit and see your faith in yourself! God gave you who you are, it’s up to you to make the best of God’s gift!
I just looked for my panic button. It took a while to find, but there it was. My button was hard for me to find because; it was no longer that big round red button, I found it as a small red LED light hidden under my emergency flasher button! Then I noticed that big round white faith button to be still in its place!

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