Friday, January 13, 2012

Take Away

I want you to think hard about this; what would you do if everything you owned was taken away? Or, if everything you were able to do was no longer possible!
The first thing I thought about was those thousands of people that lost their homes to foreclosure! That could be devastating! But then, I thought about something Sandra told me last night.
Her son Kenny had to be taken, by ambulance, to the emergency room of the hospital. While they were waiting for the doctor a gurney was wheeled past and the unmoving person on it had a sheet over the face. That person really had everything they owned taken from them!
All the stuff that person had owned couldn’t be traded for just one more breath!
Many times in my life I’ve been told to plan for the future, but live for today. Can you ever envision that person planning to take their last breath in an emergency room and on that day? Doesn’t it make you wonder how many “I wish I hads” came along with that last breath?
Our “future planning thing” should also include ETERNITY! And, that is an eternity without all our stuff! If you think you can’t live your earth life without, your TVs or your cigarettes, I wonder how you have planned for your forever life.
I have lost most of my stuff several times and just with my hope and my faith somehow I managed to survive! If I ever end up in that emergency room with that sheet over my face, I have that covered too.
One of the things that bothers me the most is the number of people that I talk to that tell me that they have no faith in themselves. Several have told me that they think of themselves as a piece of junk! Many feel unimportant! I don’t believe God creates unimportant people.
It is possible to lose most of your stuff and still feel rich. But, those that have lost faith in themselves can own most of the world and still be “dirt poor!”
Different religions preach faith, faith, faith, but the faith they are talking about is faith in that religion. They overlook one important thing; without faith in one’s self, a person cannot have a strong faith in anything else!
A bad thing about the lack of faith in one’s self is that it is contagious. It shows and it will not take the kids long to follow. Each of us must realize that we are teachers. That we teach by examples to those around us especially the kids and husbands and wives!
I have learned that no matter how bad I feel, I never have to look far to find someone in worse shape. That, whenever I start to feel sorry for myself, I never have to look far to find someone that has less than me. But, it takes finding a person who has lost faith in themselves to make me realize how truly rich I am! You can take away everything I own, but you cannot take away my faith in me!

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