Tuesday, January 17, 2012

My Big Nine O

I’ll start at the beginning for any new reader and a revue for some of my regulars. Just before my eighty-fifth birthday, My Father in Heaven (the one I usually refer to as My Friend in my blog), told me to start a blog. I had never seen a blog. In fact; I had no idea what a blog was! So, I just brushed it off!
A short time later, I was again conversing with My Friend, when He said “I told you to start a blog!!!” What could I say? He already had heard all of my excuses many times and He had refused to accept any of them before! This time I said I would, at the same time realizing that yes meant that I had a long way to go and no idea how to get there!
I suddenly had to cram a lot of learning into a short time, I had wasted a week by not listening in the first place! One of my problems was trying to figure out where to start!
First I walked into the book department of my local computer store and there right before me was the solution to that first problem. It was “Blogger for Dummies!” I knew that was the book for me! Wasn’t I the dumbest dummy of them all?
I started reading my new book only to find out that sometimes a solution to one thing often creates a new problem! The book told me that I should use Microsoft Word! I had seen Word on my computer, but I had never used it! Again, there I was back at square one, I was faced with another panic learning experience!
I was proud of myself, I had learned enough of Word to start my blog. Then suddenly I realized something new, something that I had not considered; when I typed I only used one finger! Not ten fingers like most use! This blog thing was going to take time but, thinking back, My Friend had said nothing about His plan for me being easy or fast! He just said “Start a blog!”
After all of my trials and learning experiences I found myself proud of one thing; I had a steno-pad and ball-point pen ready to go. Again I ran headlong into reality! I had never written a blog, in fact I had never seen one, I wasn’t even a writer. I was lost again and long ago I learned that whenever I lose my way it’s best to go to God to straighten me out and give me direction. So, I ask Him, “Please tell me what I should write?” It is still hard for me to believe His answer. He said; put the pen to the paper and start writing!
I sweated blood trying to put together enough words to fill that first page! And then, I found a few more that filled another half page! It was hard for me to realize just how many words My Friend could put in the ink of that pen and then He allowed me to let those words out!
It was just over a month after I was told to start that blog that I posted the first one! It was on August 17th of 2010 that I went on line with my first blog!
Now for the rest of the story; today’s date is January 17, 2012, just a year and a half after that first entry. This is the 90th entry on my blog!
I want you to think about this; nearly a hundred have been written, several are waiting to be published! Over fifty-two thousand words have been published! These words have been read by more different people than the active membership of any religious institution in my area!
And, each of these words was first printed by hand on one of my steno-pads (dozens of them have been filled!) That first ball-point pen ran out of ink months ago as have many others. Each word on the pad is read and reread several times by me with My Friend looking over my shoulder. Some things are rewritten; some words are crossed out and replaced.
Next, I type them into Word, still using but one finger. Many times I thank God for the spell checker in Word! Again My Friend and I edit the work. Last, it goes to Sandra for final editing. Only then does it come to you.
I know that all of this sounds easy but I feel a bit more should be told. My Friend put a few restrictions on the things I should do in this blog. I will never ask for money. You will never find Bible Scriptures used in the blog. You will find quite a bit of God stuff but it’s your God and mine. You will never be ask to change your religion; your religion, or lack of, is your choice and there are millions in this world trying to do that without any help from me.
I will try to help you maintain or increase your faith in yourself. YOU are important to me and to yourself. I will try to help you raise your standards in YOURSELF.
With each entry my goal is to touch one person. I have learned many things in these first ninety blogs. I hope at least one of them has touched a part of you!

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