Monday, September 13, 2010

Does It Really Make A Difference?

I had planned to keep this blog non political but lately I have read and heard things from the mouths and pens of people that call themselves fellow Christians that have caused me great pain. So, I hope this is the first and last blog on this subject.
I want you to do some HONEST soul searching. I want you to look deeply into your heart. I am sure you feel that you are not a racist, but if our president was all white, would you look at him differently?
I know it’s hard for you fellow Republicans to admit it, but the man has accomplished many things that were politically impossible before his term in office.
I know many of you believe he only breaths negative thoughts, but take a few minutes and look at the positive things that have happened in the short time he has been in office.
Then, think of how these accomplishments could have been improved with honest discussion instead of a flat-out no or worse: hell no.
Remember when one of your kids turned three? You were so glad you both made it through those terrible 2’s. Then; one day you told him to do something, he looked you in the eye; stomped his foot and shouted “NO”. How long did it take you to explain the difference between the Indian and the Chief? I did not elect a foot stomping, NO shouting, three year old to Congress! I expected my elected representative to be like a member of the tribal council, one who could sit down and talk things over with the chief.
I feel that each of the new laws could have been greatly improved with a little give-and-take on both sides.
I don’t care if our president is black, white, red, or green, he is still our countries leader. He was elected by the majority of the voters in this, MY country. The office of my President has my respect. I believe that a person elected by a majority of the votes in a general election was put there by the Will of God and I accept it as such. It may not have been MY will but I accept it as HIS will.
I would not and could not, under any circumstance, call the President of MY country the names I have seen in other columns. I am ashamed for those so-called patriots that have no respect for our Commander-In-Chief. If we are the teachers what can we expect from our next generation now growing up!
Almost every Sunday at church I am told to love my neighbor as myself. I am not told to love the people from one political party and hate all of those from the opposite party.
My church, in fact all Christian churches, teach love. They sing songs about love. I just cannot understand where all of this hatred is coming from. Some people are standing up, holding up the Bible and proclaiming to be “born again Christians” while spewing nothing but hatred from their mouths. I call them “self proclaimed Christians”
Hate divides countries. We have to learn to “love thy neighbor as we love ourselves” before it’s too late.
Look deeply into your heart for I know my Heavenly Father will do so on YOUR judgment day.

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