Tuesday, September 28, 2010

No Time

How many times have we said “yes” when our hearts kept yelling say “no”? Many times we say “yes” before we realize just how deep a hole those three little letters have dug for us.
When we are in deep thought or find ourselves feeling that we have to give a quick answer, we find the easiest answer is yes. Although; if we had taken a few extra “thinking” moments our answer would have been a definite no.
Why do we pick that three lettered yes over the just two lettered no? Throughout our lives we have been taught that yes was a positive word and no was a negative word. I feel if a question is important enough to ask, the questioner should allow the other person some “think time”.
Time after time, in our everyday lives, if we would have had “think time” before giving our answers we would have found our lives to be better. In real-life we also find that “yes” answer are being given because that is the answer we think others expect to hear from us even though that is not the answer we feel in our heart. We are expected to be “politically correct.” We want to avoid controversy. If you feel an answer in your heart speak-up it’s your answer. If it is a no answer so be it “no” is not profanity.
Often, in our thinking, we feel we must say yes to those we love because if we say no they’ll stop loving us. Many times a thinking loving no has a more lifelong effect on those we love than an unthinking yes. At times that quick yes just shows impatience. It may be sending the message; “I’ll say yes because I don’t want to take the time to fool with you”. Or maybe what you’re really saying is “YES now get off my back”.
In marriage a cowardly yes is a wimpy way of avoiding an argument. Many times if that person would have had “time to think” or “time to talk things over” a no answer would have been found as the only answer agreeable to both. I personally would much rather be given time to think-out an answer than to be crowded into a snap answer that I’m sure will cause controversy. How many times has a person you love said yes to you while in your heart you can feel that they are radiating a positive no? Is that yes just being said to please you? Which answer are you supposed to believe? Only you and your Father in Heaven can decide.
With today’s overloaded life we must remember we are all working with the same size brain our ancestors had thousands of years ago. Yes, I know we have those computers of today that have untold storage capacity but it still takes our overloaded brains to control our fingers to touch the keys to open all of that memory.
No matter, how overloaded we feel our lives are today, we must learn to find those few extra moments to think out our answers to the questions that shape and make our lives and the lives of others. I guess we have to find time for some “no time”.

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