Monday, September 20, 2010


Yesterday is history. It’s gone never to raise its head again, don’t try to hold on to it or relive it. It’s gone, forget it. Do you remember that big brick Catholic Church on the top of the hill, the one with the two steeples? Remember the sound of its big bell that rang several times each day?
Today that bell is silent. The doors with those beautiful stained glass windows are closed and locked because the hundreds that walked through them over the years are now gone.
Next look at the thousands of Protestant Churches, and then notice that they too have many empty pews. Then look at those sitting in those pews, I want you to notice how much gray hear you see and also notice how much hair color is being used by others to hide their gray.
What are we doing wrong? What is happening to the under 50 families? I want you to notice that I stressed FAMILIES. Seldom do you see families: mothers, fathers and children you may notice a few mothers and their children but the FULL families are few and far between.
What can we do to change this trend? We don’t need to change the trend (it’s beyond fixing) we have to change the CHURCH! We have to change it to fit today!
Each minister better become computer savvy real quick or their church will become just another empty shell. This generation is not looking for long sermons and threats of going to Hell. Those days ended with the coming of the computer, the TV, and the cell-phone. Those days are the yesterdays I’ve been talking about! Many more will take the time to read a short blog, on their own time, than to sit and impatiently fidget through a long sermon
Fellowshipping used to be a mainstay of yesterdays church. But today: if you can’t make it quick, I don’t have the time. In other words, I want a quick fix or I just will not bother.
So, what has caused this change? I think it started with Wendy’s, McDonalds, and Burger king. They’ve replaced the dining room table. Drive-throughs have replaced the kitchen stove.
Over fifty percent of the wage earners in this country are now women. Much of the time they are the principal wage earners! But, a lot of the churches are still thinking male dominance. Wake up men and churches you messed up! Those “frail” looking women are now a new class! They’re now equal partners and wish to be treated as such.
Now let’s look at the kids; it makes sense that if mom is working the kids are left more on their own, with little guidance. Many have chosen their hero’s that seem to be people that we would be shocked to find in our living rooms. If you look at the way the kids dress you may feel a little more guidance could be used. The boys; some want to look like slobs, many could use more pride in themselves and those around them. The girls; to be in fashion it seems as though they have to show as much naked breast as possible. Then; there is the cell-phones, I actually saw two people seated at the same table talking to each other on their cell-phones. Many parents would be shocked to see their kids Facebook pages. Have you watched the kids hands while they are texting? I used to think the old gunslingers of the old west had the fastest hands, not any more.
Folks are no longer impressed by fancy robes, miracles, and formalities. All they have to do today is turn on the TV and flip a few channels and there they all are. Our churches MUST learn a hard lesson. Today’s generation has been taught that if you don’t like what you’re seeing you just flip to another channel or as last resort hit the off button and look at a blank screen and that is what many of this generation is doing.
The congregations of today are dying off or drying up. Along with the Bible, today’s churches have to quickly learn some new words; blog, Facebook, tweets, and texting! Today’s leaders are going to have to stop trying to change the people. As bad as it sounds, you’re going to have to change the CHURCH to fit into today’s world or die with the ageing generations within the present day church. In Willie Nelson’s words: “We have a long ways to go and a short time to get there”.

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