Monday, September 6, 2010


Each day I try to spend some time in meditation. I use this time to plan my day, week, month, and sometimes my life.
I also use this time to talk to my Father in Heaven. I use this time to ask question and often to receive answers. Often my questions are unique to me and may sound strange to others, but they are my questions and I feel they are important enough to me that I feel I need to go to my God for answers.
When I have a problem really troubling me I have found I can ask no better source. It may sound strange to others but, the often mentioned eternal life, so often spoken of in church, has caused me much anxiety. One day I decided to talk to Him about my problem.
Many times, while sitting in church, I have heard people speaking of spending eternity in heaven sitting at the right hand of the Lord. They speak of sitting with the greatest teacher, learning the secrets of the universe. This eternity thing is forever! That is a mighty long time just to sit there and learn everything and the do nothing with all that knowledge!
I told Him that I wanted to spend time with Him, I wanted to thank Him for the many blessings I had received in my earth life. Then I told Him that I felt eternity had to be more than that. Then I ask “What can I do to help”?
After the conversation I continued with my meditation. Several days later, while in the midst of another meditation, I found myself in an unfamiliar location. I has standing in a narrow dry wash. I was at the bottom of a narrow dry creek bed with the sides standing above me. It was then I realized I had no shoes! I was standing in soft sand that felt like talcum powder. It had a pleasant feeling squishing between my toes.
As I looked ahead a person appeared. I stood there for a moment, and then I turned and started walking back down the dry stream bed. I knew the person was following a few feet behind me. We walked a short distance to an area where the dry wash ended at a small stream. At the junction stood a large shiny black rock that stood taller than me.
As I looked at the rock I expected to see my image, but the image I saw was that of the person that had been walking behind me. I reached out and touched the hand of the reflected image. Then I turned and started walking along the small stream. The person I had touched was now walking side-by-side, hand-in-hand with me. After a few steps we were walking with our arms around each other. There was a feeling of trust and love that I had never felt in my earth life! Only then did I realize neither of us was clothed but it was of no matter.
After walking a short distance my companion ask a voiceless question “where are the others”. My mute answer was “they are ahead”.
I feel my anxieties were answered. I now know that when I get there I will not be bored.

A while back I ask My Friend about meditation.
His answer was: Meditation is an important part of living-it gives your outer body the chance to unite with your inner spirit.


  1. Bob, what wonderful imagery you were provided! I can see how that experience would be so comforting.

  2. Very intersting Bob!

  3. Bob, I know you have meditated for a long time. What caused you to start meditating in the first place ?
