Friday, September 24, 2010

No I'm Not

I got quite a shock the other day. A person I was talking to thought I was a minister! It made me realize that I had to set some things straight about my blog.
No, I’m not a minister, not a prophet, not a soothsayer, not a fortune teller, and I hope you don’t think that I’m some kind of a kook that just pulls things out of the sky. I look upon myself as just His tool to be used by Him at His will.
I feel that I have been blessed with the ability to carry on a normal conversation with My Friend (My Father in Heaven). If I ask questions and He feels I need to know, I get answers. If he tells me to do something I DO IT. When I pray that prayer includes the words “and YOUR WILL, will be done”. That doesn’t leave me much “wiggle room”.
I believe a diploma or any other certificate that is nailed to the wall is unnecessary when it comes to talking to My Father in Heaven and to follow His instructions. I know He is always by my side, because He told me so. Why should I doubt it? If you don’t believe He is by your side, so be it, I look upon that as your loss.
Do I speak for God? Absolutely not! I look upon myself as just another of His tools. Remember my prayer; YOUR WILL, will be done? Well the rest of the prayer is; Help me do and say things that are pleasing to You.
Before I started this blog, I was told to start it. Remember, before then I had no idea what a blog was. The first thing I did was buy the book “Blogging for Dummies” so that I had some idea of the blogging format. I had a crash course with many new words I had never heard before. It was an exciting new learning experience! You must realize I type with just one finger and my left thumb is there each time I need a cap! Think about this; He could have chosen a ten finger typist, but he chose me! So, I started this blog.
I have yet to read other blogs, but this may be good, so I can’t use others as guides. I write what I’m told to write and when to write it. I have been surprised at some of the deep stuff I find myself writing. Those times I’m sure I’m the tool that writes the words that need to be said.
The choice in naming of my blog really was not mine but the naming is now clear to me. Hundreds of people with better credentials could have been chosen to do this blog but I WAS CHOSEN “just Bob” the least of them! Thank You for choosing me, My Friend.

As an afterthought, I welcome comments. At the bottom of the page, you will find the comment section. You will have a choice of several different things. The easiest way is to sign in as Anonymous. When you comment, please put your first name or initial at the end of the comment. Thank you.

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