Friday, October 29, 2010

Other's Standards

I received this as an E-Mail from my son Robin. As I read it My Friend told me to put it on my blog as a follow up to yesterday’s message. This is the first time I have been told to use another’s material on my blog. When He considers something to be that important of course it will be used.
Once again Bill Cosby speaks the truth about life and tells it like it is:

“They’re standing on the corner and they can’t speak English. I can’t even talk the way these people talk: Why you ain’t-Where you is-What he drive- Where he stay-Where he work-Who you be-…… I blamed the kid until I heard the mother talk. And then I heard the father talk.
Everybody knows how important it is to speak English except those knuckleheads. You can’t be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth. In fact you will never get any kind of a job making a decent living. People marched and were hit in the face with rocks to get an education, and now we’ve got those knuckleheads walking around.
The lower economic people are not holding up their end in this deal. These people are not parenting. They are just buying things for kids. $500 sneakers for what? And they won’t spend $200 for Hooked on Phonics.
I am talking about those people who cry when their son is standing there in a orange prison suit. Where were you when he was 2? Where were you when he was 12? Where were you when he was 18 and how come you didn’t know he had a pistol? And where is his father? Or who is his father?
People putting their clothes on backward: Isn’t that a sign of something gone wrong? People with their hats on backward, pants down around the crack, isn’t that a sign of something? Isn’t it a sign of something when she has her dress all the way up and has all types of needles (piercing) going through her body?
What part of Africa did this come from? We are not Africans. Those people are not Africans: they don’t know a thing about Africa! I say this all the time. It would be like white people saying they are European-Americans. That is totally stupid! I was born here, and so were my parents and grandparents and, very likely my great grandparents. I don’t have any connection to Africa, no more than white Americans have to Germany, Scotland, England, Ireland, or the Netherlands. The same applies to 99 percent of all black Americans as regard to Africa. So, stop already!!!!!
With names like Shaniqua, Taliqua and Mohammed and all that crap…..And all of them are in jail. Brown or black versus the Board of Education is no longer the white person’s problem. We have got to take our neighborhoods back.
People used to be ashamed. Today a woman has eight children with eight different “husbands”---or men or whatever you call them now. We have millionaire football players who cannot read. We have million-dollar basketball players who can’t write two paragraphs. We, as black folks have to do a better job.
Someone working at Wal-Mart with seven kids, you are hurting us. We have to start holding each other to a higher standard! We cannot blame the white people any longer!”

Thursday, October 28, 2010


My Grandma was a special lady in my eyes and I’m sure in God’s eyes too. When she would discipline me I’m sure she had the fastest hand in our part of the state! Every time I see Gibbs on NCIS, with his quick swat to the back of the head, I always think of my Grandma, that was her method too.
She had very strict rules for her house but the thing I remember was the great amount of love that always accompanied that discipline. After each swat she always took the time to explain reason for that swat. It was always followed by one of her loving hugs. Anytime I did something that disappointed her she would always end with “Bob, we both know that you’re better than that” and that would be the end. That subject was never brought up again.
I’m positive that I became a better person because of her love. I can’t remember my Grandma ever saying “I love you” but her actions said more to me than repeated words ever could.
During my prison ministry I often told the men some of my Grandma stories. Many times as I walked into the chapel, someone would stop me and ask if I could tell another Grandma story. Several of the men told me they were sure if they too could have had a Grandma like mine they would not be where they were today.
My Grandma held high standards and she expected those around her to have standards too. She expected those around her to keep trying to better themselves as well.
I’m glad my Grandma isn’t alive today because if she could hear today’s ever day language I know I would see tears in her eyes.
Since I no longer have my Grandma’s guidance I’ve found myself relying more on My Friend. I know He is always there by my side but I find that I sometimes miss that swat on the back of my head on those times I mess up.
I use very little profanity in my speech. My reasoning is this; if there are words you would not consider using in church and if you consider yourself a true Christian with your belief that God is always by your side, why would you use words in front of Him that you would not use in church?
The Bible says that you should love your neighbor as you love yourself. Today I’m hearing more people expressing hatred for their neighbors. Does that mean they hate themselves? I have heard more “bad mouthing”, name calling, and out and out hatred for our fellow man than any time I can remember in my long life. I’m shocked by some of the words I’ve heard from the lips of some of my long time friends. I know that they “are better than that”.
It saddens me to see so many in America, the country I love, lowering their standards the way they are today. I feel sorry for those that did not have a Grandma like mine to teach them pride and respect for themselves and others. It all boils down to each of our standards and what we expect of ourselves.

Monday, October 25, 2010


I believe this country was founded on God’s Will. I believe the outcome of each general election is the Will of God.
Our founders were a courageous and knowledgeable group of men. It is interesting to me that the happiness of the country’s citizens was a high priority on our founder’s list. This can be seen by reading the first line of the second paragraph of our Declaration of Independence. It reads: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS”.
Being both American and Christian should bring automatic happiness. Surprisingly I’m finding a lot of negativity in both. If you would have been able to talk to my Great Grandma (the one that emigrated from Germany) and would have ask her the happiness question I have no doubt of her answer. Her answer would have been; being in America. She was so proud just to be here! I wonder how many native born Americans would answer the same way.
I went out on Facebook and ask my friends to give me their definition of happiness. I’ve had many replies some of them you will find below. One of my surprises is so far is no one has related money to happiness.
Another of my surprises has been the number of people that relate smiles to happiness.
Ty said; Happiness is finding old friends on the computer that you thought you had lost forty years ago. Tim said about the same; happiness is knowing and loving special people and being able to communicate with them on the computer.
Lois said; Happiness is peace of mind and loving people that love you. Anjelica said; Happiness is contentment.
Ann said; Happiness is loving someone more than you ever thought and knowing that love is being given back to you.
Vicki said; Happiness is comfort in family and growing old with people you love.
My Grand Daughter Sarah said: I think happiness is surrounding yourself with people, not things, and whether you live in a shack or a mansion; your life still smiles because you know you’re loved.
Linda said; happiness is being content with who and what I am and the place I find myself in at any given moment.
This one is different! I was a witness to this happiness! I have a friend named Joe. For a while he has had a tumor in a critical part of his cheek. He had been worried the tumor seemed to be growing. It was in a bad place because at anytime it could hit a nerve and paralyze one side of his face. His options weren’t that great either because surgery could also touch the same nerve and also cause paralyses.
Last week Joe had a MRI to help make his final decision of his fate. Unlike the previous MRI this one found nothing! The tumor was gone! The doctor said that he had no medical answer for Joe’s cure. For those of us that had Joe in our prayers we needed no MEDICAL reason for his cure. So often we don’t have the opportunity to see God’s work in action. This time God let us share in Joe’s happiness!
Now, I know you’re wondering about my definition of happiness. Instead of a definition I’m going to tell you what makes me happy. Foremost it’s a touch, just a touch but it must be from the heart. It can be a hand on the shoulder, a hug, or just a touch of the hand and it can come from family, a friend, and sometimes a friend I’ve yet to meet.
Probably next would come music. To me the sound of music I like has the ability to make me happy, to make me feel good. If that music is played by people I love it’s even better. Music just makes me feel good in my heart!
After reading what I just wrote I realize that’s my answer! My happiness is things that make me feel good in my heart!
One last thing; I find positive thinking people and happy people walking down the same path. Many of the negative thinking and acting folks have a much harder time giving their definition of happiness.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Feeling Sorry For Ourselves

Yesterday I after working several hours on my blog I decided to take a break. As I’ve mentioned before, I type with one finger and my thumb. After a while that finger starts to cramp. A good typist could have finished the work in less than a hour, but I never professed to be a typist, let alone a good one. Looking back now I realize I was starting to feel a little sorry for myself.
Most of the time, I keep CNN news softly playing on the TV in the background. I keep it on in case half the world falls off I would hate to miss it.
As I turned for my finger break I glanced at the TV and at that instant CNN was running a story about a paralyzed man that was typing on his computer using a rubber tipped stick held in his mouth. Was this just a coincidence or was it My Friend showing me how blessed I was? Whatever it was it sure worked because that feeling of being sorry for me was gone in that instant.
When I start feeling tired I sometimes walk with a cane. Several days ago happened to be one of those days. I parked the car reached for my cane and slowly started for the store. Just before I reached the door a younger person came bouncing past me and into the store.
For an instant the feeling sorry feeling started coming back. Just then the out door opened and out came a man on crouches. I looked at him and the thought that came to me was; I’d rather be me than he. And then, I walked on into the store.
I finished my shopping and went to the checkout. Ahead of me, in the line, was a young man in a wheelchair. He was very up-beat. He was talking, laughing, and joking with all those around him. It was only when he turned his wheelchair that I could see that the man had no legs! I’m sure this was another of My Friend’s lessons. I cannot remember another learning experience that hit me harder. I had heard similar stories before but this time this one happened to ME! From there on I knew if I ever again start feeling sorry for myself again all I need to do is open my eyes and look around me.
I have a challenge for you the next time you find yourself starting to feel sorry for you; Hop in the car and drive to Walmart, find a parking space that when you’re parked you can see the store’s door, plan to set in that space for about half an hour. Now, do nothing but watch the people. Look at the people going in and out of the store. Look at how they are dressed. Look how they carry themselves. Look to see if you think they have pride in themselves. Look at the families see how they relate to each other. Watch how they show love for each other. Watch how they discipline their kids. Now, I would like for you to make “snap” opinions of those you’ve watched. How many of those you have observed would you want to trade places with? I’ve done this several times and each time I’ve driven away much happier with me!
Being human any time we start “feeling sorry for ourselves” the first thing we try to do is look for someone else to blame. Stop looking out that window looking for that someone else. Walk into the bathroom and look into the mirror and there is the person to blame looking back eye to eye with you. Yes, I know you still think the fault for you feeling sorry for yourself is because of someone else but YOU opened the door for that someone else.
I’ve talked with people that continually talk about the negative happening in their lives. If we keep going down that negative road we’re bound to fall into that rut of feeling sorry for ourselves. It becomes a blinding force that hides all the good stuff (all those blessings Heavenly Father puts at our feet).
I feel so blessed to know My Friend is always by my side and as I have said before on this blog He answers many of my questions. And, as you can see, if He feels I need a strong “learning experience” quite often it is shown to me as a part of my everyday life.
As many of you know, I love music. Years ago I heard singer Peggy Lee sing a song called “Is That All There Is?” I’ve talked with people that I’m sure could easily use that song as their theme.
What song would I pick for my theme? How about Louis Armstrong’s “It’s A Wonderful World”(I think my friend Jabbo does it better) Oh Yeah!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What Is He Thinking

By this time, after reading several of my blogs, I know many of you are thinking; where is this guy coming from?.
Well here is where it comes from; when I started this blog I had no idea what I was doing or what I was going to write about. So, I ask My Friend for help (He’s the one who told me to start the blog in the first place). His answer was “pick up a pen and paper and start writing”. How’s that for help?
For each blog that’s just what I do! I usually have little or no idea of what that first capital letter of the first line of that blog will be until my pen touches my paper!
I find my outlook is helpful as all of my life I have tried to look for good points in people, even in bad people. Several times I have had my nose rubbed in my good intentions but that hasn’t changed my goal. Throughout my life I have spent quite a bit of time with people others might consider “under dogs”, the people many others feel they just can’t take the time to bother with, or people they just look past or through.
I have never looked upon myself as a “Bible pounding” Christian. Although I’m finding my strong belief that His Will is being done is maybe stronger than most. Many times I find myself accepting things as God’s Will where others find themselves “all bent out of shape” while they are trying to analyze a happening in their lives.
Any time I find my “plate of problems” is about to run over I just turn and silently hand that plate to My Friend who I know is ALWAYS at my side. I know he is far better equipped to handle those problems than me.
Yes, I heard you say; that’s easy for him to say but could he say those things if he had to walk in MY shoes? I have had major tragedies in my life, and when they happened I’m sure you would not have wanted to have been the one walking in MY shoes. No, it’s not that easy for me to say.
It took me quite a while to realize my past was to be used as a historical reference, a learning tool for others. Not a cloud to hide our many dreams and blessings our Father in Heaven puts at our feet or in our hearts each day. I try to use my past mess-ups to help keep others from stumbling over the same mistakes I fell over. We have to remember though, that many of our mistakes are put in our path as learning tools. I learned early in life God’s reasoning for the Ten Commandments being made of stone. I have suffered several broken toes while stumbling over one or two of them!
I try not to think troubling thoughts over and over. I learned they just tear me down and accomplish nothing. I’ve also learned that if I start thinking negative thoughts over and over they to quickly pull me down and start messing up my whole thought process.
At times when I’m away from thinking about the blog, I find myself being told to “write that down” by My Friend. I never was much of a note taker but now I’m much more interested in things for future blogs. It is surprising how something like this blog can change how a person starts looking differently upon their life. You will never hear me say my life is boring, My Friend sees to that! About the time I think I’ve finished one job I find He’s put two more in the hopper. It’s exciting to me each time I find that one of those one liner “write it downs” has fit so well into upcoming blogs. I have used two of them in this one.
At times when I’m writing the blog, My Friend will tell me that something I am writing will be read by a hurting someone that it was written for but I never know who that person is. That person could be you or even me.
Before I pick up my pen I always utter these silent words to My Friend; “Please help me put words on my paper that will be pleasing unto You”.
This writing thing still very new to me. Each time I go back into my blog’s archives it’s hard for me to realize that I wrote all of that stuff, but then it doesn’t take long for reality to set in, it’s then that I realize that I’m just the tool that puts the pen to the paper.
What will the first capital letter of the first line of the next blog be? That’s why this blog is so exciting for me for until my pen touches my paper we will all have to wait and see.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I Want My Life Back

I want My Life Back

Today I heard a miner talking on TV. He had been trapped deep in the earth for several weeks. He was explaining that he was having a hard time readjusting his life. He said “I want my life back”. He said that after days of wondering if he would ever again see the light-of day he found changes in his body and those changes have caused him to want his life back.
I felt sorry for that miner but I have heard that same statement from dozens of people I have talked with. None of them had ever spent a minute underground. It seems many feel that their lives have been lost, some feel it was taken away by others, but many by their own choice, it makes me feel that many willingly gave them away before they realized what a treasure they held.
I just heard a TV announcer make this statement while we were viewing a miner being pulled up that long shaft in Chile; “He is half way to freedom”. What do you think that announcer’s interpretation of freedom was? What was the miner’s idea of his freedom? What is YOUR definition of freedom?
As for the miner was his idea; a look at the sky above his head, a taste of clear cool water, a T-bone steak, the feel of his wife’s warm body next to his, or just another chance to “go out” and mess up his life again? As you can see we each have many different ideas of what we consider to be freedom.
There is a direct relationship between each person’s interpretations of freedom and how they live their lives or on “getting their lives back”.
For the next few minutes let’s dig a little deeper to realize how different people could view both statements.
For our first example I’ll use a seventeen year old girl with strict parents. Tomorrow our girl will have her eighteenth birthday. Tomorrow she will have her “freedom”. She no longer has to be home at certain time. She will have her life back; she can live it HER way.
Next, we have a person serving the last day of a ten year prison sentence for drugs (both selling and using). Tomorrow he will have his freedom, no more clanking cell doors or waiting to eat that rotten prison food. As soon as he gets his life back will we find him back on the street selling and using?
Then we have our miner who was trapped underground for over two months. We now find him above ground, he now has his freedom, but maybe more important he has his tomorrows. He will find it difficult to get his life back, if that means going back into the mine.
It hasn’t taken long, for our now eighteen year old, to realize that the “real world” wasn’t that bed of roses of her dreams. Maybe the life partly controlled by her loving and caring parents wasn’t that bad after all. Maybe, if she would ask, she could still have some of that life back.
For the man from prison, he has already found that getting that kind of life back is just more of the same old, same old. He had forgotten, while in the safety of prison he had three square meals and was relatively sure he would to see the sun the next day.
For the miner, being able to look up and see the sky was a rebirth. As one man said “I met both God and the Devil down there and God won”. He was given a second chance to live his life and to leave his unwanted past down in that hole.
The person that says they want their life back must realize that when they woke this morning God was giving them their life back!
Take a little time to think about how many “near misses” each of us has had in our lives. As we open our eyes each morning that is God’s way of saying here is another day for you. Not only does God give us that day he also puts many blessings at our feet to make that day more enjoyable. Be careful though God also gives each of us one more thing. He gives us our “free agency” (the right to mess up our lives). I feel many pastors touch to lightly on this subject.
When God saw how badly so many of us were doing on our own he send us Jesus to show us a way to be forgiven for the bad stuff we do to others and ourselves.
Do I want my life back? I’m sorry but I can’t remember losing it! Would I like to “go back”? I’m sure this body could not stand the abuses again that I gave it when I was sixteen! The answer is no.
What are my hopes for my life? I hope I wake in the morning as a normal person (whatever that is), take a deep breath, feel the floor under my feet, from there on my day and my life are up to God and me. How about tomorrow? That’s the same as today! If I wake I plan to take as big a bite out of it as my body will allow!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Being Gay

Let’s get this question answered in the very first line; no I’m not gay. Throughout my life I have had dozens of gay friends. One day I had a non gay friend tell me some gay people “look different.” I thought for a moment and then my reply was; “open your eyes and look around and you’ll see many more “different looking” non gay people.”
If any pastor or priest thinks being gay is a choice or is curable he or she is in the wrong business! It is obvious that they never learned to look deeply into the hearts of those people that walk through your church door. If a member of the clergy condemns gay people from the pulpit that so called “man of God” is nothing more than a bully or a hypocrite.
I have known gay people that considered suicide after being condemned by their pastor! I have talked to gay people that were in tears while they talked because their families would not accept them because they were gay! I have held sobbing gay men after they were beaten by people they thought were their friends. In fact, I was beaten-up, by a big bully, because he had seen me with one of my gay friends.
Whenever I talk to people I never have worried about their race, their color, or their sexual orientation. I only look at each as a child of God. I would much rather be in the company of a gay friend than to find myself with a self-proclaimed Christian that uses their interpretation of the Scriptures to segregate themselves from other Christians just because the other is gay.
In reading the Bible, we are taught to love our neighbor. I’m sorry. I looked, but I could find no place where I was told I should NOT love my neighbor just because he or she was gay.
I have always looked upon one’s sexual orientation as the will of God and not as some pastor’s interpretation of the Scriptures. That is why it is beyond my belief that a person can say that they are a man or woman of God while openly condemning God’s will.
I try very hard never to judge another person but as you can see I do have strong opinions. Even though I try not to judge others often the thought has crossed my mind that it would be great to be a small mouse sitting in the corner and listening in on some pastor’s judgment day. Just because a person calls himself a minister, and may even have a framed piece of paper nailed to the wall, and may even wear his collar backwards or have a cross on his collar he still has to show me first that he truly knows the people in his congregation and that he is trying to reach, love and teach EVERYONE.
The gay people in my life have all been true friends. All through this blog I’ve felt there was one burning question you were dying to ask. As yet, it had not been ask so I will answer your question before you ask it; No not one of my gay friends ever “came on” to me. I would no more expect it from them than I would from any other friend.
At one time in my life I had wished one of the worst gay bashing families would have a gay child born into their family. A little later I realized my wish was wrong. Families like theirs would only make a gay child’s life miserable.
Throughout my life, some of my best friends have been gay. I have been witness to the many torments and outright mean things others have caused in their lives. Don’t be a hypocrite. Please except each and every person as a Child of God. Each of us is the way God created us. We are all apart of God’s plan. Remember, we prayed “YOUR WILL, will be done”!

Friday, October 8, 2010


Do we segregate ourselves and then refuse to accept our responsibility for it and blame everyone else? For some reason we humans can always find someone else to fault even though we know in our hearts that the blame is all ours.
How can we preach and expect equality and then speak, dress and act differently? How can we expect others to respect us if we use terms like: those people-the other ones-or just them? Not long ago I was called a “honkie” by folks that are insulted by the use of the ”n” word. I guess they didn’t realize that word is as much of an insult to me.
I have heard those hate words used in music, by people of color themselves, and the words made me wonder if the users had any respect for themselves or others or were they just out to make a dollar.
My own small fight against segregation started over seventy years ago. At that time I was a Boy Scout and I had a friend named Bill in my troupe. Bill’s skin was a little darker than mine but he was my friend and it made no difference to me.
We went on an overnight camping trip and had to sleep in two man tents. As we were choosing our tents I was shocked that no one would share a tent with Bill, I quickly volunteered.
During the night several bullies (yes even in the scouts there were bullies) kicked over our tent, called us names and beat us up. I used my handkerchief to blot up both Bill and my blood. The next morning, in daylight, when I looked at my handkerchief I noticed all the blood looked the same. I could not find a color difference between his blood and mine. That was the day I realized it was wrong to choose your friends by their outside color. I had learned that Inside we all looked the same.
When Obama was elected president I thought this would be a giant step towards equality of the races. So far many of the politicians have not let this happen.
One of my greatest disappointments has always been the different races segregating themselves. They call themselves: Latin Americans-Cuban Americans-Mexican Americans-African Americans- Asian Americans! Whenever people hang these names around their own necks they are doing nothing more than encouraging their own segregation.
Today, while listening to some speeches from the Mall in Washington, I learned about another type of segregation. I heard speakers say; “our kind of people” then “they are not really our kind”. What kind do they really feel they are? Are they pussy-cats, cocker-spaniels or are they pit-bulls? I guess I missed that part but I’m sure they were trying to politically segregate themselves.
I could call myself a European American but I would consider this or any other label an insult to my country AMERICA. To me it implies a partial allegiance to someplace else! I’m sorry but I just don’t feel comfortable with another name before MY COUNTRY’S name.
If our president would just ask the press and ALL others to stop putting a prefix before American when they refer to him, I’m sure it would get others to open their eyes and realize they too, were only segregating themselves.
Let’s try to create a greater respect for ourselves and stop encouraging others that are pulling us and our country down.
A true musician-artist-writer or friend has no need for shock value to make a point. All that is needed is for each to truly open their hearts, show pride in themselves and their country. Segregation
is only what you and I make it and if we don’t stop it, who will?
Before you sit back and feel superior, think about this: you had no choice in who you were going to be. That choice was God’s choice. You could have been born that very person you look down your nose at today! We all were God’s choice. Each of us is “a child of God”.

Carol Livingstone, a friend from from P.E.I. Canada, just sent me this thought that I’m going to share with you; Before you say an unkind word. Think of someone that can’t speak.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Prayers Answered

I have talked to hundreds of people who have told me “God doesn’t answer my prayers”. I hate to have to tell you this: God now answers every one of my prayers!
For years as I prayed and when I got to the part where I prayed “and Your Will will be done” I would mentally cross my fingers because I wanted to be in control and I wanted God to know the outcome I expected from each prayer.
I expected to change the outcome of each person’s life, including my own. I had forgotten, or refused to believe, that it was God who wrote each person’s book of life, every word, every chapter, down to the last period and God didn’t need my help trying to edit the final copy.
For years each time I got to that one line in my prayer I added one more line. That line was “teach me how to accept your will”. Many times I just could not accept that outcome because it just didn’t end the way I thought it should.
For all of my life I had been told about FAITH and most of the time I used my faith, when it felt good to me. I also felt many of my prayers went unanswered.
It took me a lot of years to realize I could not break into the middle of a book that had been finalized and change a part without knowing the outcome. The outcome had already been decided by the author!
Ever since I realized that when I pray “Your Will, will be done” and I have learned to accept that outcome, it seems that God has answered my every prayer.
Many times I have stated that God answers all of my prayers. But, I failed to mention that God tells me to do things that are related to my prayers only through that part where I pray “Your Will, will be done”.
When you really think about it, those five little words that you use so casually actually opens your heart to anything God wants of you. Sometimes, they are prayers that He answers before we realize we had asked for them. Actually, they are God’s way of telling us what he wants from us.
I’m going to give you a long winded example of what I’m talking about: My Friend told me to start this blog. Of course I said I would do it. When my Father in Heaven tells me to do something I do it! Although I had no idea of what would be involved He and I both knew I would do it.
It took several weeks to learn blogging basics. Then it took a few more weeks to get the blog to where it would come up on other computers. I was so proud of myself, I was now a blogger! Then reality smacked me between the eyes! I had everything going for me. EXCEPT, I found that when I looked at my blog I had nothing put on it! It was like having a book with a nice front cover but when you opened the book all you saw was blank pages! My blog was worthless without text on my pages! Where were those words supposed to come from? I went back to My Friend and quickly learned what was expected of me.
I had written quite a few books but they were all photo-history books that required a lot of research but the writing part was just writing the historic information, really no creative writing. Again, back to My Friend I went, where I was told to pick up my pen and paper and start writing. I sure can’t say the words you read all came easily but as yet I haven’t found myself to be at a loss for those words.
There are several things I would like to tell you about each blog I publish. First; I print out each word because after my writing gets cold even I have a hard time reading it, so I print. Next, I type out the words in Microsoft Word, I thank God for its spellchecker. I’m sure you remember that I do all my typing with just one finger on my right hand and use my left thumb for caps. I print out the first copy and then My Friend and I do the first proofing. After I make the first changes, I call on Sandra to do the final proofing and correcting. Then that article is saved on my hard drive.
From start to finish each blog requires a full day of my time. When I agreed to do this blog I had no idea my two blogs a week would take a full two days out of each week of my eighty-five year old life. If I had known about all of this would I have said yes when told to do this blog? Of course I would have! Remember in my prayer I said “Your Will, will be done”.