Thursday, October 28, 2010


My Grandma was a special lady in my eyes and I’m sure in God’s eyes too. When she would discipline me I’m sure she had the fastest hand in our part of the state! Every time I see Gibbs on NCIS, with his quick swat to the back of the head, I always think of my Grandma, that was her method too.
She had very strict rules for her house but the thing I remember was the great amount of love that always accompanied that discipline. After each swat she always took the time to explain reason for that swat. It was always followed by one of her loving hugs. Anytime I did something that disappointed her she would always end with “Bob, we both know that you’re better than that” and that would be the end. That subject was never brought up again.
I’m positive that I became a better person because of her love. I can’t remember my Grandma ever saying “I love you” but her actions said more to me than repeated words ever could.
During my prison ministry I often told the men some of my Grandma stories. Many times as I walked into the chapel, someone would stop me and ask if I could tell another Grandma story. Several of the men told me they were sure if they too could have had a Grandma like mine they would not be where they were today.
My Grandma held high standards and she expected those around her to have standards too. She expected those around her to keep trying to better themselves as well.
I’m glad my Grandma isn’t alive today because if she could hear today’s ever day language I know I would see tears in her eyes.
Since I no longer have my Grandma’s guidance I’ve found myself relying more on My Friend. I know He is always there by my side but I find that I sometimes miss that swat on the back of my head on those times I mess up.
I use very little profanity in my speech. My reasoning is this; if there are words you would not consider using in church and if you consider yourself a true Christian with your belief that God is always by your side, why would you use words in front of Him that you would not use in church?
The Bible says that you should love your neighbor as you love yourself. Today I’m hearing more people expressing hatred for their neighbors. Does that mean they hate themselves? I have heard more “bad mouthing”, name calling, and out and out hatred for our fellow man than any time I can remember in my long life. I’m shocked by some of the words I’ve heard from the lips of some of my long time friends. I know that they “are better than that”.
It saddens me to see so many in America, the country I love, lowering their standards the way they are today. I feel sorry for those that did not have a Grandma like mine to teach them pride and respect for themselves and others. It all boils down to each of our standards and what we expect of ourselves.

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