Monday, October 11, 2010

Being Gay

Let’s get this question answered in the very first line; no I’m not gay. Throughout my life I have had dozens of gay friends. One day I had a non gay friend tell me some gay people “look different.” I thought for a moment and then my reply was; “open your eyes and look around and you’ll see many more “different looking” non gay people.”
If any pastor or priest thinks being gay is a choice or is curable he or she is in the wrong business! It is obvious that they never learned to look deeply into the hearts of those people that walk through your church door. If a member of the clergy condemns gay people from the pulpit that so called “man of God” is nothing more than a bully or a hypocrite.
I have known gay people that considered suicide after being condemned by their pastor! I have talked to gay people that were in tears while they talked because their families would not accept them because they were gay! I have held sobbing gay men after they were beaten by people they thought were their friends. In fact, I was beaten-up, by a big bully, because he had seen me with one of my gay friends.
Whenever I talk to people I never have worried about their race, their color, or their sexual orientation. I only look at each as a child of God. I would much rather be in the company of a gay friend than to find myself with a self-proclaimed Christian that uses their interpretation of the Scriptures to segregate themselves from other Christians just because the other is gay.
In reading the Bible, we are taught to love our neighbor. I’m sorry. I looked, but I could find no place where I was told I should NOT love my neighbor just because he or she was gay.
I have always looked upon one’s sexual orientation as the will of God and not as some pastor’s interpretation of the Scriptures. That is why it is beyond my belief that a person can say that they are a man or woman of God while openly condemning God’s will.
I try very hard never to judge another person but as you can see I do have strong opinions. Even though I try not to judge others often the thought has crossed my mind that it would be great to be a small mouse sitting in the corner and listening in on some pastor’s judgment day. Just because a person calls himself a minister, and may even have a framed piece of paper nailed to the wall, and may even wear his collar backwards or have a cross on his collar he still has to show me first that he truly knows the people in his congregation and that he is trying to reach, love and teach EVERYONE.
The gay people in my life have all been true friends. All through this blog I’ve felt there was one burning question you were dying to ask. As yet, it had not been ask so I will answer your question before you ask it; No not one of my gay friends ever “came on” to me. I would no more expect it from them than I would from any other friend.
At one time in my life I had wished one of the worst gay bashing families would have a gay child born into their family. A little later I realized my wish was wrong. Families like theirs would only make a gay child’s life miserable.
Throughout my life, some of my best friends have been gay. I have been witness to the many torments and outright mean things others have caused in their lives. Don’t be a hypocrite. Please except each and every person as a Child of God. Each of us is the way God created us. We are all apart of God’s plan. Remember, we prayed “YOUR WILL, will be done”!

1 comment:

  1. I believe God and only God can judge us all. It is our job to love. What a shame so many young people are taking their own lives because of anothers judgement.
    Dianne D
