Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What Is He Thinking

By this time, after reading several of my blogs, I know many of you are thinking; where is this guy coming from?.
Well here is where it comes from; when I started this blog I had no idea what I was doing or what I was going to write about. So, I ask My Friend for help (He’s the one who told me to start the blog in the first place). His answer was “pick up a pen and paper and start writing”. How’s that for help?
For each blog that’s just what I do! I usually have little or no idea of what that first capital letter of the first line of that blog will be until my pen touches my paper!
I find my outlook is helpful as all of my life I have tried to look for good points in people, even in bad people. Several times I have had my nose rubbed in my good intentions but that hasn’t changed my goal. Throughout my life I have spent quite a bit of time with people others might consider “under dogs”, the people many others feel they just can’t take the time to bother with, or people they just look past or through.
I have never looked upon myself as a “Bible pounding” Christian. Although I’m finding my strong belief that His Will is being done is maybe stronger than most. Many times I find myself accepting things as God’s Will where others find themselves “all bent out of shape” while they are trying to analyze a happening in their lives.
Any time I find my “plate of problems” is about to run over I just turn and silently hand that plate to My Friend who I know is ALWAYS at my side. I know he is far better equipped to handle those problems than me.
Yes, I heard you say; that’s easy for him to say but could he say those things if he had to walk in MY shoes? I have had major tragedies in my life, and when they happened I’m sure you would not have wanted to have been the one walking in MY shoes. No, it’s not that easy for me to say.
It took me quite a while to realize my past was to be used as a historical reference, a learning tool for others. Not a cloud to hide our many dreams and blessings our Father in Heaven puts at our feet or in our hearts each day. I try to use my past mess-ups to help keep others from stumbling over the same mistakes I fell over. We have to remember though, that many of our mistakes are put in our path as learning tools. I learned early in life God’s reasoning for the Ten Commandments being made of stone. I have suffered several broken toes while stumbling over one or two of them!
I try not to think troubling thoughts over and over. I learned they just tear me down and accomplish nothing. I’ve also learned that if I start thinking negative thoughts over and over they to quickly pull me down and start messing up my whole thought process.
At times when I’m away from thinking about the blog, I find myself being told to “write that down” by My Friend. I never was much of a note taker but now I’m much more interested in things for future blogs. It is surprising how something like this blog can change how a person starts looking differently upon their life. You will never hear me say my life is boring, My Friend sees to that! About the time I think I’ve finished one job I find He’s put two more in the hopper. It’s exciting to me each time I find that one of those one liner “write it downs” has fit so well into upcoming blogs. I have used two of them in this one.
At times when I’m writing the blog, My Friend will tell me that something I am writing will be read by a hurting someone that it was written for but I never know who that person is. That person could be you or even me.
Before I pick up my pen I always utter these silent words to My Friend; “Please help me put words on my paper that will be pleasing unto You”.
This writing thing still very new to me. Each time I go back into my blog’s archives it’s hard for me to realize that I wrote all of that stuff, but then it doesn’t take long for reality to set in, it’s then that I realize that I’m just the tool that puts the pen to the paper.
What will the first capital letter of the first line of the next blog be? That’s why this blog is so exciting for me for until my pen touches my paper we will all have to wait and see.

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