Monday, October 4, 2010

Prayers Answered

I have talked to hundreds of people who have told me “God doesn’t answer my prayers”. I hate to have to tell you this: God now answers every one of my prayers!
For years as I prayed and when I got to the part where I prayed “and Your Will will be done” I would mentally cross my fingers because I wanted to be in control and I wanted God to know the outcome I expected from each prayer.
I expected to change the outcome of each person’s life, including my own. I had forgotten, or refused to believe, that it was God who wrote each person’s book of life, every word, every chapter, down to the last period and God didn’t need my help trying to edit the final copy.
For years each time I got to that one line in my prayer I added one more line. That line was “teach me how to accept your will”. Many times I just could not accept that outcome because it just didn’t end the way I thought it should.
For all of my life I had been told about FAITH and most of the time I used my faith, when it felt good to me. I also felt many of my prayers went unanswered.
It took me a lot of years to realize I could not break into the middle of a book that had been finalized and change a part without knowing the outcome. The outcome had already been decided by the author!
Ever since I realized that when I pray “Your Will, will be done” and I have learned to accept that outcome, it seems that God has answered my every prayer.
Many times I have stated that God answers all of my prayers. But, I failed to mention that God tells me to do things that are related to my prayers only through that part where I pray “Your Will, will be done”.
When you really think about it, those five little words that you use so casually actually opens your heart to anything God wants of you. Sometimes, they are prayers that He answers before we realize we had asked for them. Actually, they are God’s way of telling us what he wants from us.
I’m going to give you a long winded example of what I’m talking about: My Friend told me to start this blog. Of course I said I would do it. When my Father in Heaven tells me to do something I do it! Although I had no idea of what would be involved He and I both knew I would do it.
It took several weeks to learn blogging basics. Then it took a few more weeks to get the blog to where it would come up on other computers. I was so proud of myself, I was now a blogger! Then reality smacked me between the eyes! I had everything going for me. EXCEPT, I found that when I looked at my blog I had nothing put on it! It was like having a book with a nice front cover but when you opened the book all you saw was blank pages! My blog was worthless without text on my pages! Where were those words supposed to come from? I went back to My Friend and quickly learned what was expected of me.
I had written quite a few books but they were all photo-history books that required a lot of research but the writing part was just writing the historic information, really no creative writing. Again, back to My Friend I went, where I was told to pick up my pen and paper and start writing. I sure can’t say the words you read all came easily but as yet I haven’t found myself to be at a loss for those words.
There are several things I would like to tell you about each blog I publish. First; I print out each word because after my writing gets cold even I have a hard time reading it, so I print. Next, I type out the words in Microsoft Word, I thank God for its spellchecker. I’m sure you remember that I do all my typing with just one finger on my right hand and use my left thumb for caps. I print out the first copy and then My Friend and I do the first proofing. After I make the first changes, I call on Sandra to do the final proofing and correcting. Then that article is saved on my hard drive.
From start to finish each blog requires a full day of my time. When I agreed to do this blog I had no idea my two blogs a week would take a full two days out of each week of my eighty-five year old life. If I had known about all of this would I have said yes when told to do this blog? Of course I would have! Remember in my prayer I said “Your Will, will be done”.

1 comment:

  1. Good one! I say the "Thy Will be done" often. I found, a long time ago, my Will be done usually means trouble...R
