Monday, October 25, 2010


I believe this country was founded on God’s Will. I believe the outcome of each general election is the Will of God.
Our founders were a courageous and knowledgeable group of men. It is interesting to me that the happiness of the country’s citizens was a high priority on our founder’s list. This can be seen by reading the first line of the second paragraph of our Declaration of Independence. It reads: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS”.
Being both American and Christian should bring automatic happiness. Surprisingly I’m finding a lot of negativity in both. If you would have been able to talk to my Great Grandma (the one that emigrated from Germany) and would have ask her the happiness question I have no doubt of her answer. Her answer would have been; being in America. She was so proud just to be here! I wonder how many native born Americans would answer the same way.
I went out on Facebook and ask my friends to give me their definition of happiness. I’ve had many replies some of them you will find below. One of my surprises is so far is no one has related money to happiness.
Another of my surprises has been the number of people that relate smiles to happiness.
Ty said; Happiness is finding old friends on the computer that you thought you had lost forty years ago. Tim said about the same; happiness is knowing and loving special people and being able to communicate with them on the computer.
Lois said; Happiness is peace of mind and loving people that love you. Anjelica said; Happiness is contentment.
Ann said; Happiness is loving someone more than you ever thought and knowing that love is being given back to you.
Vicki said; Happiness is comfort in family and growing old with people you love.
My Grand Daughter Sarah said: I think happiness is surrounding yourself with people, not things, and whether you live in a shack or a mansion; your life still smiles because you know you’re loved.
Linda said; happiness is being content with who and what I am and the place I find myself in at any given moment.
This one is different! I was a witness to this happiness! I have a friend named Joe. For a while he has had a tumor in a critical part of his cheek. He had been worried the tumor seemed to be growing. It was in a bad place because at anytime it could hit a nerve and paralyze one side of his face. His options weren’t that great either because surgery could also touch the same nerve and also cause paralyses.
Last week Joe had a MRI to help make his final decision of his fate. Unlike the previous MRI this one found nothing! The tumor was gone! The doctor said that he had no medical answer for Joe’s cure. For those of us that had Joe in our prayers we needed no MEDICAL reason for his cure. So often we don’t have the opportunity to see God’s work in action. This time God let us share in Joe’s happiness!
Now, I know you’re wondering about my definition of happiness. Instead of a definition I’m going to tell you what makes me happy. Foremost it’s a touch, just a touch but it must be from the heart. It can be a hand on the shoulder, a hug, or just a touch of the hand and it can come from family, a friend, and sometimes a friend I’ve yet to meet.
Probably next would come music. To me the sound of music I like has the ability to make me happy, to make me feel good. If that music is played by people I love it’s even better. Music just makes me feel good in my heart!
After reading what I just wrote I realize that’s my answer! My happiness is things that make me feel good in my heart!
One last thing; I find positive thinking people and happy people walking down the same path. Many of the negative thinking and acting folks have a much harder time giving their definition of happiness.

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