Thursday, October 21, 2010

Feeling Sorry For Ourselves

Yesterday I after working several hours on my blog I decided to take a break. As I’ve mentioned before, I type with one finger and my thumb. After a while that finger starts to cramp. A good typist could have finished the work in less than a hour, but I never professed to be a typist, let alone a good one. Looking back now I realize I was starting to feel a little sorry for myself.
Most of the time, I keep CNN news softly playing on the TV in the background. I keep it on in case half the world falls off I would hate to miss it.
As I turned for my finger break I glanced at the TV and at that instant CNN was running a story about a paralyzed man that was typing on his computer using a rubber tipped stick held in his mouth. Was this just a coincidence or was it My Friend showing me how blessed I was? Whatever it was it sure worked because that feeling of being sorry for me was gone in that instant.
When I start feeling tired I sometimes walk with a cane. Several days ago happened to be one of those days. I parked the car reached for my cane and slowly started for the store. Just before I reached the door a younger person came bouncing past me and into the store.
For an instant the feeling sorry feeling started coming back. Just then the out door opened and out came a man on crouches. I looked at him and the thought that came to me was; I’d rather be me than he. And then, I walked on into the store.
I finished my shopping and went to the checkout. Ahead of me, in the line, was a young man in a wheelchair. He was very up-beat. He was talking, laughing, and joking with all those around him. It was only when he turned his wheelchair that I could see that the man had no legs! I’m sure this was another of My Friend’s lessons. I cannot remember another learning experience that hit me harder. I had heard similar stories before but this time this one happened to ME! From there on I knew if I ever again start feeling sorry for myself again all I need to do is open my eyes and look around me.
I have a challenge for you the next time you find yourself starting to feel sorry for you; Hop in the car and drive to Walmart, find a parking space that when you’re parked you can see the store’s door, plan to set in that space for about half an hour. Now, do nothing but watch the people. Look at the people going in and out of the store. Look at how they are dressed. Look how they carry themselves. Look to see if you think they have pride in themselves. Look at the families see how they relate to each other. Watch how they show love for each other. Watch how they discipline their kids. Now, I would like for you to make “snap” opinions of those you’ve watched. How many of those you have observed would you want to trade places with? I’ve done this several times and each time I’ve driven away much happier with me!
Being human any time we start “feeling sorry for ourselves” the first thing we try to do is look for someone else to blame. Stop looking out that window looking for that someone else. Walk into the bathroom and look into the mirror and there is the person to blame looking back eye to eye with you. Yes, I know you still think the fault for you feeling sorry for yourself is because of someone else but YOU opened the door for that someone else.
I’ve talked with people that continually talk about the negative happening in their lives. If we keep going down that negative road we’re bound to fall into that rut of feeling sorry for ourselves. It becomes a blinding force that hides all the good stuff (all those blessings Heavenly Father puts at our feet).
I feel so blessed to know My Friend is always by my side and as I have said before on this blog He answers many of my questions. And, as you can see, if He feels I need a strong “learning experience” quite often it is shown to me as a part of my everyday life.
As many of you know, I love music. Years ago I heard singer Peggy Lee sing a song called “Is That All There Is?” I’ve talked with people that I’m sure could easily use that song as their theme.
What song would I pick for my theme? How about Louis Armstrong’s “It’s A Wonderful World”(I think my friend Jabbo does it better) Oh Yeah!

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