Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Best I Can

I’m going to go back in time to make my point, so please bear with me. I’m old! Really old! Somewhere between eighty-five and death! When My Friend first told me to start this blog I had the feeling that My Father in Heaven was pulling some kind of a joke on me.
The second time I was told I realized He wasn’t blowing smoke! He was telling me, Bob, to start a blog! There I stood, almost eighty-five years old and He was telling me to start something that I had no idea of what it was! I felt that throughout my life I had a good relationship with my God but never before had He really told me to do something. He did not ask me to, He told me to!
What else could I do? So, just one month and one day after my eighty-fifth birthday I posted my first blog! It has one of the scariest things I had ever done in my life! Then, I realized if I was to publish a blog I had to come up with new things regularly! And, I thought about all of the worry and sweat I had used to finish that first essay and then I started to worry about finding the subject for that next blog. Then, after I found my subject how was I going to find enough stuff to fill the rest of the pages?
About that time along came My Friend with one more little rock that He placed in my road! He told me that my blog was to be inspirational BUT I was not to use scriptures! The reason being that it would be read by people of all religions. That, after I thought I had most of the worms back in the can!
It was only then that I realized; if my God told me to do something He would also provide me a way to do it! And, I should expect some guidelines as to how He wanted it done.
I have spent much of my life acting as my own efficiency expert, that is, I always looked for easy ways to “just get it done.” At the time of my birth my life’s expectation was sixty-one years. I used up most of those years “just getting it done” and then moving on to the next job!
Never before did I find something that I felt was important enough for me to “give it my best!” This blog has changed all of that. Before, if I picked up a pen, it was just that, a pen. Today when I pick up that same pen I look upon it as a tool full of words and those words are just there waiting for someone to let them out. It seems as though as soon as that pen touches my paper those words start flowing out.
I always look forward to finding the subject of my next blog. I never know what it will be but I know that I will be shown when I need it. The subject for that blog is always given to me unexpectedly as a one line title for my next blog. When I hear that right line My Friend says to me “Bob write it down.” It’s then I have the title line for that next blog!
I print that title at the top of the page. Then, I again read those words. Next I put my pen to the paper to let those words out! All of those bottled up words start flowing from its tip.
I’ve found for me, I have to want to do the best I can before I can do the best I can. And, it feels so good doing it!!!
Oh yes! This is my sixty-third blog and just over a month from now I’ll be eighty-six! My, how time flies when you’re doing what you really want to do!

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