Friday, June 17, 2011

God's Will

The more I have talked to people, the more selfish I have found them to be. It seems to me that most want God’s help but they want it to be on their timing and their terms! Sorry, but God does things only His way! Time and time again I’ve heard religious leaders give blessings but most tell God what they expect God to do and sometimes even how they think God should do it! Are they telling God how to do His work? Do you really think a few words from a human can change God’s Will?
In my lifetime I have given thousands of blessings. Yet, I can’t remember, even once, my telling Him what to do or how to do it! I do not believe any human speaks for God. I believe many of us are His tools. I believe that often He tells us what He expects of us but I don’t believe we have the right to tell Him what we expect from Him. I feel many “so called” religious people have become so drunk on their self proclaimed power that some even feel that they are gods within themselves!
Many think that power is granted to them by the robes or crowns they wear, or how they dress, or symbols they show, or the books they quote from, or even the certificates nailed to their walls. To me this is just window dressing. To me all of that is no true mark of “the power.” It’s what comes from their heart into my heart that I look for and all that extra make-up in no way speeds that journey.
I’ve been waiting and it just happened! I heard you say “with all your restrictions how can you give so many blessings?” First; I believe there is a lot of distance between telling and asking! My blessings always start with; if it is Your Will. Then I never take it on myself to tell God what is needed. I’m sure He already knows and He doesn’t need me to remind him! And, with each blessing I always give thanks.
Many of my blessings are silent; they are just between my God and me. I just need my hand on their shoulder or a warm handshake; I try not to make it a public happening. My blessings usually go something like this; “My Father in Heaven, I ask that, if it is Your Will, you will direct the Holy Ghost to show this person’s inner spirit how to deal with the problems of the body. I thank You for bringing this person into my life”.
My life has become much smoother as I’m learning accept more of my everyday challenges as His Will. For years I would ask for guidance and then try to argue about the direction I was being led. It has taken years to learn that if I ask for something, I better be ready to receive it. Because: it may come in a way that is unexpected!
Each day as I learn to accept more of His will, I find it harder to lose my temper, although there are still times when if my button is pushed, I find it hard to back off. I’m trying harder to use these times as learning experiences. The more I learn to accept His Will the more I find my will to be less important. One other thing I’ve noticed; on my road of life I’m finding fewer stumbling blocks!
Today, I find myself more satisfied with what I have. I find that my “wish I had” or “wish I could” list to be much shorter! I know now that it is by His Will that all of the blessings are put into each of our lives! It’s only when we try to change things that have already been written in our “Book of Life” that our lives get messy. Learn to live with His Will because it will be done! And lastly; learn to give thanks for what you have already been given.

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