Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I'm Not Worthy

Some friends were at the house the other afternoon and one of the ladies mentioned how she was hurting. I took several minutes explaining to her how I was able to relieve my pains. How I had asked God to show me how and been shown.
Her reply really floored me! She told me; she did not feel worthy! Was she telling me she didn’t feel worthy enough to ask God for help? All my life I have always believed that God was always at my side and those times I felt I really needed His help all I had to do was ask. In my asking I have always included the words “Your Will, will be done. And then, I learned to add one more line, the hard part! I ask for His help in understanding and accepting His Will!
I never considered my worthiness whenever I was talking to My Father in Heaven, I never doubted that He was by my side. Many times I had seen Him answer the prayers of the least among us. Including me! I never believe that my God had a quota on worthy or unworthy folks the day of our birth. I believe that when He created us as humans that He knew each of us would mess-up, some of us many times. But, I also believe we all have been given ways to be forgiven for those mess-ups. I don’t believe there is any relationship between those mess-ups and our relationship with God. If there was, heaven would be a small place!
Several times I have expressed my views, and those My Friend told me, on judging. I believe no human should judge another. And, I believe that this especially applies to that person trying to judge themselves! I have seen many lives ruined or wasted by just that! Have you ever heard the term “inferiority complex?” Is it anything more than one trying to judge themselves? Wouldn’t you like to have the money spent on pills for just that one problem?
In my lifetime I’ve heard many say “I’m not as good as ---“Of course you’re not! Neither am I! But, “I’m better than ---!” And, so are you! Please think about this; that person you’re comparing yourself to did that in the past! And, that’s a past that even they can’t go back into. That’s why they give trophies and ribbons because, even for them, it may never happen again!
I have always believed our Lord had a special place in His heart for all of us “not so greats” because He created so many more of us! If you see someone doing something you would really like to do, set it as a future goal. But, don’t set that first goal too high. Set that first goal a small step. When that goal is reached relish your accomplishment, then set another goal a step higher.
Always remember this; each of us is a Child of God! And, He created each of us differently! Never set a goal for yourself that is so high, that your body is unable to reach your high expectations! Don’t let that unreachable goal cause you to feel inferior. Each body has its limitations.
Try to picture your feelings of worthy, or unworthiness as an invisible hammer that you use to pound yourself into the ground. Take that hammer and put it away in your toolbox of life. Only take it back out when it can be used for something positive down the road. God will let you know when!

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