Friday, June 24, 2011

Who Am I?

Who am I? Who are you? Does any one of us ever really know ourselves? Have we lived in a fantasy world, that each of us has created for ourselves, for so long that we can no longer remember that person God created us to be?
God created each of us as his chosen image. Then, we spend many of our waking moments trying to change or “improve” on His work! Are we trying to improve ourselves or are we trying to make ourselves into someone else?
Think of the millions of dollars spent on advertising each year trying to convince us that we would look better if we looked like, this or that, someone else! God created each of us as an individual. It looks like to me, that we’re spending those millions to send us on a way that would lead us all to a make-believe perfect rubber stamp world. A world where everyone would look perfect in the eyes of those spending all that money for advertising.
I want you to understand this; I believe that God given body is our castle, I believe our duty is to maintain that body the best we can, I believe we should show pride in this outer shell that God has granted us. I feel that if we feel shame each time we look into a mirror, Our Heavenly Father also feels our shame. He gave us a special piece of molding clay (our bodies) to work with. If we have messed it up to where we are ashamed, it’s not just us, others feel our shame.
I’ve talked to many others that have told me they would like to be someone else! That is a dream that can never come true! We have to face the facts, wasn’t it really us that made us who we are and where we are today? If you don’t like what we see today, what better time is there than RIGHT NOW to start making those changes we know we need to make to help us be the person we want to be?
Many have told me that they would like to be someplace else. Wasn’t this your someplace else the last time? If we always keep running and looking for that “someplace else” how can we ever be sure if we get there? And, if we keep trying to make ourselves that “someone else”, how will we ever know when we get to be THAT person?
Many of us often play the lottery. We spend a little money and then spend a lot of time dreaming of how we would spend all of that money. Sure, we could or would, use it to make a better life for ourselves and others. It’s so easy to spend that money we don’t have or never will have. Could it be that if we would spend some of that dreaming time thinking about ways we could make our “this life” time a little better, we could?
When God created our earth bodies, he created them so they would wear out. I see many adds for products claiming they have the ability to hold back the ageing process. It ain’t going to happen! Growing old is a God given right. God put just so many grains of sand in each of our hourglasses of life. Accept that fact and learn to live each of your grains of sand to the fullest! Don’t waste your life trying to count the number of grains left in the top of your glass. Each of those grains are there for you to live life in the fullest. Don’ waste a single one!
It’s always fun for me to reflect on my many different layers and colors of my paints of life that I’ve used so far, many that I used trying to change the Bob my God created to a Bob I’ve never been completely happy with. After looking closely I can proudly say that I can still find a lot of that original Bob showing through the many cracks in all of those layers!
Sometimes I have to look harder than others to find that true Bob but yes I know who I am. It’s important for each of us to look hard at us and understand who we really are.

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